Fei Lian's Secret

Xing looked around to see the surprised look of the gods around her and wondered what that was about.

Maybe, I wasn't expected here?

But before she asked the next question, the Heavenly Emperor stood up from his throne and Fei Lian by his side half-knelt followed by all the gods in the hall including Mazu by her side.

'Okay! Is killing Old Rong that big a deal?', Xing looked around and saw Mazu gritting her teeth unwilling to kneel but still had a smirk on her face.

Xing felt something amiss looking at her and decided to leave this place immediately when the Heavenly Emperor announced,

"Behold! The Prince of Heavens!"

That was followed by a loud horn and the chanting of the kneeling gods,

"All hail the Prince of Heavens! May ye unify the heavens and bring prosperity to our realm!"

Xing stood there frozen for a good minute when they repeated the chant three times and some celestial maidens flying above her dropped flower petals on her.

So... What is this about?