The Intriguing Woman

Xing saw Chenglei approaching her from a distance and her heartbeat increased. She unconsciously went behind a date tree, fixed her clothes, removed her veil and fixed her hair and wiped her face with the water they gave her from the well and then veiled herself again.

Xiao Mei by her side wondered what her Lady who never cared for her appearance was doing. She always worried for her Lady. She is already twenty one years old which every man in their kingdom would consider too old to marry as most women will be married away when they are sixteen.

Her lady has beauty, wealth and charm that no man could refuse. But alas! She has no man by her side. She has seen her Lady sometimes staring blankly with sorrow in her eyes and sometimes she'll have tears in her eyes and a dry smile. Sometimes she'll be closing her mouth and will laugh by herself reminiscing about something and sometimes she'll get all red in her face and ears thinking about something.