Stay With Me

Chenglei looked parched and pale and Xing felt bad for pushing him too much.

Chenglei looked at the woman in front of him with the rims of her eyes red like she just cried.Oddly he didn't remember what he saw in the flashes of memory a moment ago. It skipped his mind like the dream you knew you had but won't remember when you wake up what that dream was about. But, He remembered this woman's cry was filled with despair just now when she called for him.

He got the cup from her hands and drank the water and he did feel a bit better but still his entire body was hurting and he felt cold.

Xing looked at Chenglei and he still looked as if he is in suffering. Then she remembered he gets fever when he is tired.

So Xing who was keen on showing herself to him as a cultured woman, lost her facade and let him see her worry for him and placed the back of her hand in his forehead to check for his temperature.

Chenglei on the other hand was dumbfounded by her sudden action.