She Ran Away

What should I give to be left alone?

Xing wondered realising that it was Mazu's doing that the ships aren't moving.

I don't want to visit her palace and so I didn't and now since I have a business in the seas, she is telling me unless I visit her palace, I cannot get on with my business?

Why am I being coerced?

How long will I be forced to do things I wish not to do? True, if I want, I could use my powers and push all the ships to move but I've promised myself not to use my powers...

Why is that I have to always give something up to get something? Why can't I just have a peaceful life living the way I want, doing what I want to do?

Xing started to have a splitting headache as she was in her thoughts. If it was before, the man in front of her would have hugged her and made her feel better but now.... Well! It can't be expected and she just wanted to go to bed and take a nap.