Promise Repeated

Chenglei wanted to stay in the Jin Manor for some more days but Xing insisted on returning back to the capital city. She knew Takanashi would be planning something soon, now that he had failed in getting the Ouyang Navy. Bai Li's warning echoed in her mind too.

Those old guys never say anything openly. They have to be mysterious about everything! Sigh!

Still it would be a better option to stay close to her family in case something troublesome happens!

When they get back, Xing was surprised to see Xiao Mei pretty close with Lin Mubai and she even had some trinklets with her that were gifted by Lin Mubai. She looked happy and in the end that's all that matters and Xing felt happy for her even though she didn't trust Mubai much in the matters of women.

Xing was informed of the demise of Lord Chu and his second daughter and that didn't shake her that much. She just shrugged it off.