A Chance Encounter

With a moon shaped halberd in his hands that weighed more than Xing, Captain Nian stood outside, waiting for that woman with his well-trained cavalry. Their Emperor might have been a despicable man but that doesn't mean someone from another kingdom would be allowed to trample on their kingdom just like that.

What will happen to the honour of our nation of we let the assassin who murdered out Imperial Family go peacefully? Even if we all have to give up our lives, we will have to fight for our honour and persecute justly the assassin.

Captain Nian who was an honourable man stood guarding, waiting.

The wind that blew raised a veiled curtain of the dust on the ground making the surroundings look like it was covered with yellow mist. Even though the ground was paved with stone bricks, the debris from the Audience Hall had made a layer of dust settle on the ground which was disturbed by the wind.

Who knew if it was all dust or the members of the Imperial family?