Ye Xian

As night fell the blue haze of day lifted to reveal the stars. It was a warm night, with a waning moon hanging above the sky.

Ye Mansion, Outskirts of Pearl City.

A young man around 16 years of age is lying in the bed, beardless cheek and chin with Ruddy skin, and his wispy black hair was a little long, and a strand hung down onto his forehead. His well-proportioned and athletic body with a handsome face gives an overall appearance as an attractive young youth.

The room was fully designed in white marbles and contains a bed, upon which are beasts fur sheets. At the foot of the bed is a small wooden table, upon which is a small bowl full of aromatic fruits and flowers.

Ye Xian's eyelids slightly twitched and he slowly opened his deep blue eyes, a familiar, clean, neatly and luxuriously decorated room entered his view. The familiar atmosphere threw him into bewilderment, soon, the clarity returned to his eyes with a flash of understanding. Sure enough, when he turned his head, he saw a middle age figure at his side.


As Ye Xian gazed at the figure, he happily called.

"Ye Xian, you woke up! Are you alright?"

Hearing his call, the figure turned his head, as he saw Ye Xian finally opened his eyes, he let out a sigh of relief and worriedly asked.

The Middle-aged and heroic figure is Ye Xian's father, Ye Yonghai. He was dressed in luxurious clothes as of high-level official and about forty years in age, his brown hair and calm black eyes pointed him as someone with extraordinary status and powerful person.

"I am alright, Father."

"Ye Xian, What happened? You were lying unconscious in the training courtyard; how many times do I have to tell you, not to push yourself too hard?"

Hearing his father's question, Ye Xian didn't know how to tell, that when he was practicing his swordsmanship, he saw a golden streak of light flying across the blue sky but suddenly the streak of golden light changed it trajectory towards him before he could do something, he was knocked unconscious by the light. Ye Xian was also curious, what it was? but he didn't inform his father which would only worry him.

Ye Yonghai sighed seeing Ye Xian's silence. Ye Xian was a real genius one cannot find in centuries,

At 10, he started cultivating and entered Level one of the mortal realm.

At 11, he reached Level four of the mortal realm.

At 13, he reached Peak level 9 Mortal realm only single step away from reaching the soul realm.

You can't say it as a legend because in the mortal realm if one has sufficient wealth, they can progress without much difficulty but to reach Peak Mortal realm in three years, wealth won't be enough; you have to be a rarely seen genius to achieve these feet.

The Meaning of the Mortal Realm is to constantly test the limits of one's physical body and nourish the body with help of Heaven and earth essence.

But everything changed when he reached 13 years of age, he was poisoned by someone and his human nodes were damaged resulting him not able to cultivate the divine way.

Even though his father is a city lord of Pearl city, he wasn't able to cure his son even after inviting famous doctors from all over the empire.

Due to the node damage, Ye Xian's cultivation also dropped from Level 9 to Level 4. From that day onwards, Ye Xian was constantly mocked, insulted, and bullied by the same people who he considered as friends.

That was the day, he saw the cruelty of the society and heart of the people. On that day, Ye Xian decided, so what if he can't cultivate the divine way; he will train his body and practice the swordsmanship.

But no matter what he tried he wasn't able to improve because the body was directly connected to divine way but he rapidly improved in his sword practice. His attainment in sword greatly increased to a higher level but he wasn't able to bring out his sword potential due to the lack of Essence energy of heaven and earth.

In the last three years of his experience, everyone he met can only be considered of two peoples, one who show goodwill towards him like his father, other who mock, insult and bear ill intent towards him like the one who poisoned him.

He learned and understood many things, when he was in a desperate situation of life, he also matured greatly thanks to the past three years. Humans are unpredictable creatures and Ye Xian has seen this other side of the humans.

"Ye Xian, no matter what, I will find a heavenly herb capable of healing you." Ye Yonghai couldn't watch his son's suffering and hardship. But he wasn't able to hear any news regarding heavenly herb much less obtaining it. He doesn't want to watch his son lose his will and hope, so he has to say something.

Ye Xian's shook his head hearing his father's words, he knows it's nearly impossible to obtain a heavenly herb. These three years other than practicing the swords, Ye Xian's fully indulged in reading various medicinal books and many alchemy master's research paper's. You can say he knows every medicinal herbs top to bottom which he read.

The only way, he can practice again is obtaining something which will remodel his physical constitution; other than that nothing will work.

Seeing his father's worried face, Ye Xian smilingly said, "Father, you don't have to worry. I will take care of myself, I am already 16."

"Ye Xian, why don't you come with father to live in city-lord mansion." Ye Yonghai expectantly asked.

He is city lord of Pearl city but his son was adamant to stay in the outskirts of the city. He also can't come and live with his son; There are many families eyeing his position like viper if he makes a small mistake he will die without a corpse.

His son's condition is also due to his city lord position, he doesn't care about the city lord position which is nowhere near his son's life, but only by using this position, he can find a way to cure his son.

"Father, you already asked me countless times; I like to stay here."

"OK, I will come and visit you tomorrow." Hearing his son's stubborn words, he can only say some comforting words and leave.

After Ye Yonghai left, Ye Xian straight away collapsed on the bed. He is now having a severe headache like some part of his soul is cut off.

'What was that golden light, why did it suddenly flew towards me? and why I am having a severe headache?' Ye Xian decided to rest to calm his severe headache.

When he closed his eye's to rest, Ye Xian inexplicably appeared inside a huge space where it end couldn't be seen, he also saw a small sun and moon in the sky but there are no stars. The ground he was standing is overspread with an unknown grass.

Ye Xian was sure this is not a dream because he can feel everything in his surroundings. 'Where am I? Why did I suddenly appeared here?'

This is a completely empty land, after looking around, surprisingly he saw a tall sculpture of human figure 100 meters away from him but he couldn't distinguish whether it's male or female figure; Other than the Human sculpture there is nothing.

The sculpture was like a divine art, majestic, mesmerizing and soul-binding. The carved eyes of the statue gave him an impression as it was gazing at him which gave Ye Xian feeling of diety looking at a mortal.

Ye Xian slowly walked towards the sculpture, when he got near the statue, he can discern the size of the sculpture is only 6 meter's tall but even now he couldn't distinguish its clear image.


[ You can assume Human nodes as meridians]