Numinous Way

The golden sun revealed itself to brighten the dark black sky. The warm light woke Ye Xian from his sleep.

Ye Xian, who woke from his sleep is completely different from his usual self maybe it's because of his recovery or perhaps it's about the memories which he got yesterday.

"I never thought in my life, I would be fortunate enough to obtain a legacy stone.". Ye Xian murmured. He clearly remembers what happened yesterday after his father left. And the cluster of memories he got from the legacy stone was also fully fused with him. Now he got the full idea of what happened to him.

Legacy stone is the type of divine stone from the higher realm. They are used to pass down the legacy of the person, as well as their life experiences.

From the memories he received, even in the higher realm, there are only 3 legacy stones discovered till now, from this you can guess how rare and valuable is the legacy stone.

The owner of Legacy stone that Ye Xian obtained is called Saint Redwood, he is one of the very low key and powerful figure in the higher realm and also the previous owner of the Heaven sealing tablet but some part of his important memories are erased by himself so he wasn't able to figure out many things.

The memories contained in the legacy stone is mainly about his experiences, some techniques and the very important thing about him is, he was indisputable king in the way of an array and forging techniques and Ye Xian got his full experience about the array and forging. You can say the legacy he received is mainly about the Array and forging and he is now the sole successor of Saint Redwood.

'My life changed just from a single night, and legacy stone is the most valuable of them. I think, the empty space, I entered yesterday should be inside of Heaven sealing tablet but I don't know, where it is?. Maybe once I get stronger, it will reveal itself."

'Since senior Redwood is someone well versed in Array and forging, then I will also improve in the same field without any obstacles. Even though he doesn't know about alchemy, he knows many medicinal elixirs formulated in a higher realm which will help me in the mortal realm.' Ye Xian thought.

"It's payback time, I have to find who poisoned me and kill him." Ye Xian clenched his fist and resolutely said to himself, he knows showing mercy in the path to peak will only result in his downfall.

Before Ye Xian will only go outside for important things but today, he walked outside with his straightened back and raised head. He is currently walking towards the direction of city lord mansion where his father resided and planned to ask his father to help him in buying few medicines.

With the medicinal elixirs, he will be able to raise his level to Peak mortal realm in no time. Since he already reached the peak once it will be of no difficult to him for the second time.

But his main concern is about whether he got talent for spiritual cultivation or not? because only someone who cultivates the spirits are capable of becoming Array, forging or Alchemy Master. Here spirit cultivation is called Numinous way, like Divine way who cultivates essence energy of heaven and earth.

In this world, Numinous Way is more reputable and sacred than a Divine way because only spirit cultivators can help the Divine way practitioners in various fields like forging weapons or Medicinal pills. The most terrifying thing about the Numinous way practitioner is Spirit Masters, who are capable of soul attacks and many mysterious abilities.

But Ye Xian has a feeling like he will be able to cultivate his spirit without any problems. From the memories, he knows about various Numinous way cultivation techniques but the prerequisite is he first have to awaken his spirit power before he can cultivate the spirit energy.

There are various ways in the world which will help to awaken the spirit powers that is only possible if you have the talent and potential for spirit powers. For example, there is fruit called Red spirit fruit which will help to awaken the spirit power, there are also medicinal pills or any Numinous way practitioner can use their spirit powers to awaken the others.

But only 1 among 10,000 can awaken their spirit powers, not everyone is suitable for spirit cultivation; That's also the reason the Numinous way cultivators are respected and considered rare in this continent.

Thankfully, his father is also Numinous way cultivator so he can ask his father for help. Even though his father's attainment in spirit cultivation is not high, it's more than enough to awaken his spirit powers. Upon thinking about everything, Ye Xian arrived near the city lord mansion.

When one of the guards patrolling the mansion saw it's Ye Xian, he sprinted towards Ye Xian and saluted respectfully saying, "Young Master, Ye Xian."

"Oh, captain Hawan", Ye Xian nodded towards the guard, he knows about this guard from small age so it's no surprise he knows his name, who is loyal and devoted to his father; He also step by step rose from soldier to captain position.

"Young master, Master is inside the mansion." saying this, he excused himself and gone back to his position. He watched step by step about how Ye Xian grew from a small age, he also blamed himself for not protecting well; when Ye Xian is poisoned.

Ye Xian walked towards the mansion hall, he saw many people's are waiting in the hall, some are commoners and some are nobles who wore luxurious clothes. Since it's a city lord's, mansion and office, people's come here daily for many important purposes.

Without bothering anyone, he walked toward the city lord office to see his father. When the guards outside the door saw it's Ye Xian, they hurriedly moved out of his way and opened the door for him to enter.

When the people waiting outside saw this, they didn't comment anything because everyone knows he is City lord's son and also a cripple; They only watched Ye Xian with pity.

He went inside the room and saw two middle aged people sitting opposite to his father and discussing something important and serious. He didn't want to disturb his father so he waited at the corner.

After 10 mins, both the middle aged man left the office with displeased expression and didn't even notice the Ye Xian's presence.

"Father" Ye Xian walked towards Ye Yonghai and called.

"Ye Xian, what a surprise. You came to see your father on your own accord after 3 long years so what brings you here?" Ye Yonghai asked.

"Can't, I come and see my father without any reason" Ye Xian grinned.

Seeing his son's appearance filled with confidence and cheerful expression, he was perplexed; he knows about his son more than anyone. He can feel his son was giving him a completely different feeling than yesterday which is filled with calmness and freshness.

"You brat, I know you better than anyone. Tell me, what happened for you to be this cheerful and happy." Ye Yonghai smilingly asked and also delighted that his son regained his spirit and confidence.

"Father, my nodes are recovered." Ye Xian calmly stated.

Hearing Ye Xian's words, Ye Yonghai let out a small cry: "What?"

Ye Yonghai's figure flickered and appeared before Ye Xian like a ghost, he took his son's hand and probed using his energy. His expression suddenly becomes agitated and his hands trembled but you can see his face is filled with elated and excited expression.

"It's true! Ye Xian, how did your nodes suddenly recovered?" Hearing his father's question filled with joy and curiosity, Ye Xian calmly explained but he only told when he woke up today, his nodes are magically repaired and some information appeared in his head for cultivation.

Surprisingly, his father didn't ask about anything even regarding the cultivation techniques. 'You shouldn't tell anyone about this' this is the only thing his father told.

"Father, I need some silvers to buy elixirs." Ye Xian asked. Without any hesitation, Ye Yonghai took out 10,000 silver notes and gave to Ye Xian.

"Father, I need you to help me in awakening the spirit power"

"Didn't we already tried five years ago? Why do you want to try again?" Ye Yonghai confusedly asked. Five years ago, he tried to awaken his son's spirit power but it ended up in failure because his son didn't have talent in the Numinous way.

"Yes, but this time I perceive, I will be able to awaken my spirit power." Ye Xian replied in confident tone.

"OK, as long as you are happy", saying this Ye Yonghai placed his hand on Ye Xian's back and used his spirit energy to awaken his son's spirit power. Ye Xian closed his eyes and concentrated his mind to awaken the spirit power.