
Even if the other people understand or know about the healing spirit attribute; Without any guidance or mysterious spirit technique, they won't be able to train or comprehend it.

Ye Xian is different from others, he knows the Mysterious spirit ability called 'Myriad Healing' from the higher realm. He only a need a kind of spark or contact with healing ability to understand it.

Ye Xian who was in the Miraculous state began to understand different concepts about the myriad healing which he didn't understand before.

'In a distant past, the heaven gave birth to the Sun and Moon. The energy from Sun and moon named as Yin and Yang combined and gave birth to different kinds of energies, Living Planets, Humans, magical beasts and many other living and non-living organisms.

The spirit energy is also a form of energy birthed from the Sun, Moon, and Stars. Both the Yang and Yin release spirit energy, it can also be considered as a primitive type of energy.'

The spirit energy is not simple, it has many characteristics and attributes within it. When one tries to discover and comprehend this Mystic spirit energy, they will be able to open a door to the new world full of mysteries and will understand, how unfathomable is the spirit energy.

Ye Xian who comprehending the vastness of the spirit energy, felt a terrifying pain in his head as that of countless ants eating his soul. He knows his cultivation is too low to pry on the mysteries of the world, He immediately stopped thinking about spirit energy and concentrated on the healing attribute.

Without him knowing, the surrounding spirit energy gathered around Ye Xian, forming a large golden mist. The gathered golden mist fully covered his figure, which then further transformed into countless tiny dots and entered Ye Xian's body.

The Jade Rabbit who was treating Ye Xian, suddenly felt something is wrong when it looked at Ye Xian who was fully surrounded by golden mist; It got scared and confused, it took three steps back and distanced itself from him.

The spirit energy of Ye Xian quickly and steadily improved while he concentrated on practicing his myriad ability. After three hours of strenuous effort, he finally learned the myriad healing ability but due to him not opened his spirit sea, he can only perform the myriad healing by absorbing the surrounding spirit energy.

He can't use his spirit energy as healing attribute; only when he opened his spirit sea, he can convert the spirit energy into however he wants.

The residual spirit energy which gathered near Ye Xian was fully devoured by Jade rabbit, it even broke through to Mortal realm level 6. The Jade Rabbit was different from Ye Xian, its a spirit beast so the spirit energy is the best source of energy for it to cultivate.

The Jade Rabbit was 'squeaking' and jumping around in joy as it has broken through to the next level.

Normally, only soul realm magical beasts can awaken the intelligence that too only as that of a normal child. But once they broke through to spirit elemental realm, they will have intelligence as that of a normal human.

However, spirit beasts are different, they will have the intelligence of 3-year child once they awaken their spirit energy. Their intelligence will also improve over a period of time.

Ye Xian finished his practice of Myriad ability and opened his eyes to see a happy little rabbit which was jumping around in joy.

Ye Xian was currently on cloud nine as he learned a new mysterious spirit technique – Myriad healing. The Myriad healing is completely different than the ability of Jade rabbit, his myriad healing ability can be used for various purposes mainly in medicines, antidotes for poisons, healing and etc. At the same time, it can also be used in the opposite direction like poisoning, Marking and etc..

But he needs to comprehend or understand the concepts of poison to use the myriad healing ability in this direction.

Ye Xian also noticed his spirit energy improved to 35 meters, that means he has broken through to the next level – White ranked Grandmaster Numinous. He was waiting and anticipating for his spirit energy to break through to Blue Ranked Numinous, once he reaches Blue Ranked Numinous realm, he can open his spirit sea.

After he opens his spirit sea, he can awaken his spirit fire and he can also begin his practice in Heavenly castle building technique.

When he broke through to level 6 of Mortal realm during the battle, his strength increased once again. Now his strength is around 550 Kg, which is equal to the other practitioner of peak level 9 of the Mortal realm, who will have their strength around 600Kg.

Peak 'Level one' Soul realm practitioner will have strength around 1000-2000Kg. Ye Xian with his strong physical body and skills, he can battle and win any Early level one soul realm practitioner. He wanted to further increase his combat experience by battling some soul realm magical beasts, even if he can't defeat the beast, he can safely retreat with his strength.

"Little Rabbit, I am going to leave this place and look for some stronger magical beasts to battle. Do you want to come with me?" Ye Xian asked with a smile. Even though he like the Jade rabbit and wanted it to follow him; he doesn't want to force it.

The Jade rabbit cutely titled its head not understanding what Ye Xian was saying. Seeing the rabbit's reaction, Ye Xian shook his head and collected the surrounding formation plates to leave.

He carefully stored the Red blood fruit and the formation plates in his space ring. He once again scanned his map to see where he was currently at and walked towards a certain direction.

'Squeak' 'Squeak'

Noticing Ye Xian is leaving, the Jade rabbit sprinted towards Ye Xian and 'Squeaked' few times. Ye Xian smiled, when he saw the jade rabbit wanted to follow him; Finally, he succeeded in making the Jade rabbit follow him willingly.

Since the Jade Rabbit is a recently awakened spirit beast, its intelligence is only as that of a 3-year-old child so it wanted to follow Ye Xian as he brought an advantage to its cultivation and he is also powerful.

Like that, the journey of Man and beast begin.


One week passed by,

Ye Xian fought with many magical beasts one after another in this week; his sword technique and the movement grew more exquisite. At the same time, his combat experience also improved tremendously and he also learned how to utilize his strength properly and be calm in dangerous circumstances.

In this one week, Ye Xian's cultivation increased by two levels after he ate the Red blood fruit, his current level is at Mid eight level of the mortal realm. The real freak is the Jade rabbit, it's cultivation improved from Level 6 of mortal realm to level 9 mortal realm after it ate the two blood red fruit.

2 days ago, they even fought with a level 1 soul realm magical beast – Black horned Rhino. Even though both Jade rabbit and Ye Xian couldn't defeat it, the same could be applied to Black horned Rhino; It served as a punching bag and helped Ye Xian to practice his skills.

After the increase in strength, no magical under soul realm can match them. After Ye Xian's cultivation reached Mid 'level 8' of the mortal realm, his strength is somewhat around 800kg.

Ye Xian's traceless wind steps also reached peak 'skill control' level, just single step away from reaching the 'Initial mastery'.

You can say the difference between the 'skill control' level and initial mastery is as that of heaven to earth. If a person is hard working and diligent in his practice, he can reach the Skill control level after a period of time.

But reaching Initial mastery in a skill is arduous, only when one understands the essence of their skill, they can reach this level. Moreover, one should have good comprehension, talent or some kind of enlightenment in their skill to reach the initial mastery stage.

Only a few late-stage soul realm or spirit elemental practitioner could have reached the initial mastery in their skill level. If Ye Xian, attain initial mastery in his skill, his combat powers will ascent to next level.

Jade rabbit's strength lies in the speed, it's very swift and agile. Even Ye Xian with his Traceless wind steps can't match its speed. Moreover, the Jade Rabbit's innate ability - destructive spirit power is very strong, it can directly attack other's internals organs ignoring the defense.

"Little Jade, We only have two more weeks of time to remain in the 'Whispering forest'. We need to improve our combat strength as much as possible, last time we weren't able to defeat the Black horned Rhino; Tomorrow, we should defeat it and have it as our breakfast." Ye Xian said with a smile.

The nearby jade rabbit which was rolling on the ground, 'squeaked' and its long ear twitched as a sign of approval. Little Jade is the name Ye Xian gave to the Jade Rabbit.