Ji Yueli

After the attack, the sword's aura disappeared, and the sinister old man laid in the ground engulfed by the blood which gushed from his wound.

Surprisingly, the attack from the emperor's weapon didn't kill the old man, he was holding his last breath thanks to his emperor's shield, it shielded some of the sword attack's power.

"Hahaha... I didn't think you would have an emperor's weapon; So What? You will die within one hour since you are afflicted by my Dark-root poison. Don't think about antidote, I don't have any antidote with me."

"Young master, I completed your mission successfully and didn't betray your trust. It's a shame, hereafter, I won't be able to watch your magnificence and splendor." The Sinister old man's last words are filled with emotional feelings and reverent towards his young master; After uttering these words, he breathed the last breath of his life.


Ye Xian, who watched the scenes unfolded before him, was dumbstruck, he even forgot to blink his eyes as he stared at the beautiful figure who easily killed the origin realm expert with help of Emperor's weapon.

"Gulp…" Ye Xian nervously gulped, now the origin realm expert is dead, next is his turn. He didn't know the character and temperament of this beautiful figure, he gambled his life since he had no choice when facing the origin realm old man.

From her feeble appearance, he could deduce that her poison is acting up; she looked ghastly pale and sick. There are even some bite marks on her lips as she was trying her best to remain conscious by biting her lip.

Ye Xian hesitated at what to do next... Should he go and meet her? Or should he run?. Since she was fully exhausted by fighting the origin realm expert, he has a way to escape from her.

There is also another problem like if he rescued her, he may provoke or infuriate the other party who was trying to kill her.

If the other party is capable of sending the origin realm expert to kill the beautiful maiden, he doesn't know what are all the other things the other party can do.

'Why the fuck should I care! I am not some kind of ordinary person who should cower in fear because of some ambitious young master trying to conquer a continent.'

'Did the young master of that sinister old man think with just some origin realm expert by his side, he is some kind of tyrant and monster like existence that no one is able to defeat?. It's better if he doesn't come and provoke me, otherwise, I will have to show him what it means to utterly defeated and trampled by someone.' Ye Xian coldly thought in his mind.

Ye Xian was not some ungrateful and thankless fellow since the beautiful maiden saved his life, he should at least go and properly thank her. Moreover, her situation is desperate and grievous as she was poisoned by an origin realm expert.

He revealed himself and sprinted towards the beautiful figure. Ji Yueli looked more stunning and pretty at a close distance even though she looked pale.

"Oh! I thought you won't come out?" Ji Yueli weakly said and also surprised the spirit transmission she received, came from a young man who was only in the mortal realm. At first, she thought of killing the other person since he knows about her secret.

But when she saw it's a normal young man, she dispersed the thought of killing him. Even though she found the boy is mystifying and suspicious, she could also see the Ye Xian eyes are pure, righteous and crystal clear without any impurities.

"I too thought of running away but you saved my life so it will be improper if I don't come out and say 'Thank you'." Ye Xian said in upright tone while he thought in his mind ' I saved such a beautiful and powerful fairy-like girl, she will certainly owe me a favor in the future.'

"Give me a reason not to kill you?" Suddenly the temperament of the Ji Yueli completely changed, her whole body emanated a fierce killing intent and her cold word's entered Ye Xian's ears.

"I may be able to cure your poison" Ye Xian disclosed his final trump card and he could also guess what the beautiful maiden is thinking.

Hearing Ye Xian's words, the beauty is not one bit surprised; she even thought Ye Xian is deceitful and not worthy to trust because she knows the severity of her condition.

Only high-grade medicinal pills or healing type spirit master can cure her poison; Now some random mortal realm practitioner is trying to deceive her by taking advantage of the situation.

Seeing the Ji Yueli reaction, Ye Xian took out a knife and made a small cut in his skin as the blood seeped out. As soon as the blood flowed out from his wound, he used his myriad healing ability to restore the skin to its original state.

Seeing the wound, quickly disappeared how it appeared, Ji Yueli was fully astonished. she knows what it means, the young man before her was a healing type spirit master!!.

She was excited and happy, ...

Without caring about the Beautiful maiden's thoughts, he rudely interrupted her: "We should leave this place as soon as possible"

Ji Yueli was slightly annoyed and displeased that a little mortal realm practitioner interrupted her but she knows her current situation so she quickly tidied up the battlefield and destroyed any trace.

Ye Xian is also in a hurry, he didn't know whether the young master of the sinister old man sent any backups. If another Golden core or origin realm expert appears, both of them will die here, he doesn't want that to happen.

Both of them haven't noticed that the origin realm old man who was lying lifelessly on the ground was transformed into a skeleton like a figure. His whole body changed like that of a corpse in the grave as his muscles were broke and corroded, even his eyes were decayed to some degree.


When both Ye Xian and Ji Yueli saw the sinister old man they were stunned. Just before five minutes, the old man was a exalted and powerful origin realm expert who was grand, awe-inspiring and lofty but within five minutes of his death, everything changed.

Ye Xian eyebrows slightly furrowed when he saw the condition of the sinister old man's body which looked like a skeleton. From the experiences and memories of Saint Redwood, he was able to effortlessly guess what happened to this old man.

'The symptoms of the old man's body indicate it's due to burning of one's potential and life force; Similar to that of the situation, saint redwood knows.' Ye Xian contemplated.

Saint Redwood heard a similar incident like this before in the higher realm: 'Few thousand years ago, A clans master of the low-level sect found some miraculous medicine in the ruins which were capable of increasing one's cultivation by leaps and bounds.

He immediately gathered many powerful alchemists to test the effects of miraculous medicine after serious research and consideration, the alchemist reported it's safe to use. After that, everyone in the sect consumed the miraculous medicine, their cultivation soared to a new height and they were even able to compete with some middle-grade sect.

Only after some years, they found out that their potential and life force are being corroded and burned by the miraculous medicine. But it's was already too late when they realized the truth.

Eventually, after the life force is burned, their cultivation began to decline and within a few years everyone in the sect began to die, as their body transformed like that of a skeleton.'

'Looks like the young master of the sinister old man is not simple and he is even cruel to his own subordinates.'

Ji Yueli also couldn't help to feel the condition of the sinister old man is uncanny. Even the strength displayed by the old man is unconventional like how come the early stage origin stage expert suddenly gained the strength of Late stage origin realm?

Even though she found the situation is little odd and unusual, she didn't think of it as anything serious. When she looked at Ye Xian who is inspecting the corpse of the old man with a serious and solemn expression, She immediately knows the young man before her, identified the cause.