
Seeing Ye Xian's reaction, Ji Yueli didn't know why she looked happy and revealed a proud look. Even before Ye Xian could reply, he heard a sweet and cold voice: "You don't need to worry since my injuries and poison are healed, I planned to leave today."

"You also should increase your strength as soon as possible; In the near future, a calamity is going to strike our continent. Only your personal strength will save you."

She knows it's time for both of them to part their ways. Silence prevailed the entire cave, the atmosphere inside it become dull and somber.

"Here, this is a defensive type artifact, I got when I explored a ruin. It will save your life when you are in danger and it can withstand three of early spirit elemental practitioner attacks; Apart from that, it can also act as a piece of clothing."

As the inheritor of saint Redwood, he was able to recognize it with a single glance. Instead of stating it as a Defensive artifact, it can be properly called as Cloth type artifact or Accessory type artifact.

Due to the materials used for making it were high quality, it can withstand two or three of spirit elemental practitioner attacks but why Ji Yueli called it a defensive type artifact? Ye Xian has no idea.

"Thank you for curing the poison. I think we will meet again in the future so there's no need for Goodbye!!" Ji Yueli said.

Ye Xian didn't know what to say? Before he could say something, Ji Yueli swiftly left the cave and her figure disappeared in the shadows of endless lush trees.

After traveling some distance she looked back towards the direction of the cave, her eyes revealed a reluctant look. That small cave with the mysterious youth will always be her reminiscence.

Ye Xian stared at the direction Ji Yueli left and sighed, he didn't know what he felt towards her, but the lingering fragrance of the lily reminded him of Ji Yueli again.

He was little lost and there was also kind of melancholy like feeling in his heart. Soon, a determined look appeared on his face and he cast away the distracting feelings to the back of his head.

"Little Jade, Let's go, we should also set off and reach phantom city as soon as possible." Ye Xian said as he caressed the jade fur of the little jade, who was peacefully resting on his shoulder.

Ye Xian and little Jade also left the cave within few minutes after the departure of Ji Yueli. Even though one has to cross two cities to reach phantom city from pearl city, it doesn't mean they have to enter the two cities.

One can travel via the outskirts of the two cities since Ye Xian already have everything required for the journey, he doesn't want to waste his time by entering the two cities

Two days passed since the departure of Ji Yueli,

Ye Xian was currently standing on the top of a small mountain and gazing the city which was some distance from him. This city is called Onyx city, it's at least three times bigger than the pearl city, he lived.

Even from some distance, he was able to hear some sounds which indicate the liveliness of the city. He could see many peoples and carriages, leaving and entering the city – mercenaries, businessman, commoners.

The city wall is packed with many soldiers, everyone carried an alert expression, possibly looking out for any magical beast attacks since the city is located in the outskirts of the forest.

Ye Xian has no thoughts of entering the city, he rested for sometime and took out his map to check the route. After confirming the route of travel, he begin his journey again.

Even though the travel route is via the outskirts of the forest, it can be considered safest. Many mercenaries and cultivators travel this way so no magical beast of the mortal realm will run amok here.

If one is unlucky, they will encounter some magical beast, possibly even a soul realm magical beast but it can be considered very rare.

Next day,

Ye Xian and little jade didn't encounter any magical on their travel; For food, they will hunt magical beast by traveling towards the inner region. Thankfully, until now they didn't encounter any soul realm magical beast.

Even though they can fight and win against any level one or level two soul realm magical beast, if they encounter some Mid ranked soul realm beast of level 4 or level 5, they can only flee for their life.

Ye Xian suddenly heard a loud commotion in the distance and followed by many panicky voices. When he sprinted towards that direction, he found many guards in the same uniform, who are currently trying their best to fend off the attacks of the magical beast.

It's Iron glazer bear! And that too at Rank 2 soul realm.

The bear magical beast is massive, 15 meters in length while its furs are fully covered by shiny metal. Its large brown eyes have carried a tinge of deep red, anyone with little knowledge could tell the beast is in a crazed state.


Its sharp gleaming claws are now filled with blood, it looked savage and barbaric. Ye Xian couldn't understand why the Iron glazed bear is targetting the group.

Normally, soul realm magical beast will have little intelligence so they won't go and attack others, voluntarily; unless someone deliberately provokes it.

He could see the guards are currently defending and shielding the carriage, likely someone with a big background is on the carriage.

"Quick! Form the formation, we have to protect the young master with our lives. Front Squad, prepare the attack, Defence squad be on alert to shield the carriage"

As soon as the man commanded, fifteen guards quickly formed the formation and surrounded the Iron glazed bear; While six guards formed a curve line in front of the carriage to defend against any unexpected attack.

From the neat and coordinated moves, Ye Xian could guess the guards are well experienced and elite practitioners. All guards are either Level 8 or level 9 practitioners while the one who commanded them was a level one soul realm practitioner, likely the captain of the squad.

Even though the captain of the squad was in the soul realm, in front of the iron glazed bear he is weak as chicken. They were able to fend off the iron glazed bear only because of their experience and synchronize between them.


Iron glazed bear, madly and wildly attacked everyone before it. There is no rationality in its eyes only murderous look. Thanks to that, the guards are easily able to dodge and attack at the same time.

But their attacks are only for naught, Iron glazed bear possess terrifying defense; Only attacking its vital parts will harm them but the current guards don't possess the sufficient strength.

Seeing the situation is not good, the captain quickly said shouted: "Young master, you should quickly leave. Defense squad travel with the young master and ensure his safety, even if it's sacrificing your life."

"Yes, Captain." All six soldiers roared in unison.

At that time, a young man or you can say a young boy around fourteen years of age came out of the carriage, carrying a steel sword in his hands.

His black eyes are immature look but one can see a strong will hidden within them. He looked skinny, tanned and wore a luxurious silk clothes like that of a noble.

"Guard Captain, I am not leaving without anyone. You are all my familie's soldiers, how could I leave while they fight for me? Even if I die, I will die fighting side by side with them." Said the young master of the guards, with a strong determination and unyielding look.

When the sixteen soldiers who are fighting the iron glazed bear heard these words, they cried tries of joy and warmth spread inside their hearts.

'It's worth it!! Sacrificing our life's for the sake of Young master.' This is the only thought running through the minds of the sixteen soldiers.

Ye Xian who was watching everything from the distance nodded his head in admiration and respect. These guards are loyal to the young master unlike some who fear and run away in the face of death.

The same could be said to their young master, at such a small age he possess such courage and spirit, it's very admirable. Instead of running away at a crucial time, he planned to face the enemy with guards. It boosted the morale of the guards and at the same time, their loyaty towards him increased more.