The World of Gaius (A brief Geography and History of the Story World)

The World is Gaius is compromised of 3 continents and tens of islands. The continent of Armania is ruled by the Wyrian Empire. The hierarchy is composed of Noble families serving the royal family. It is the most biggest continent and it boasts having the strongest military force. It has wide plains which are full of plantations and has a big mountain at the center in which the capital is built. It is located at the center and is surrounded by the other continents and islands.

East of Armania is the continent of Arcadius. It is ruled by the Triumvirate which are the 3 biggest factions. It is a mountainous land and has several volcanoes. It has also longest rivers that they use as livelihood and trade. It is famous for its coliseum and gladiators.

Despite its lack in military numbers, It has the most elite and disciplined soldiers.The size of the continent is 1/4 the size of Armania.

West of Armania is the continent of Enchantus. It is governed by the Lutian Federation that is governed by several kingdoms. Its Geography consists of hills and plains and other kinds of greenery.

The Continent of "Magic."

Its size is about 1/3 of Armania.

North of Armania is the Northern Isles.

Barbarians and other Nomads Inhibit this Islands which are just a few kilometers away from each other.

Full of Jungles and Mountains.

South of Armania is the Frozen Wastelands.

No One knows If there were people who live there. Scholars have concluded that the climate can't accommodate humans and Demi-humans alike.

Ice Storms and cold winds ravaged this place thus earning its name.

Legend tells that a strong mage once went there but was never heard of once again.

The World of Gaius is created by the many Gods and Goddesses but the most worshipped is the Goddess of Light, Luminaria.

Each of the Continents has their own Magic Academies while the minor islands learn from the elders and veterans.

Magic has always been known since the creation of this world.

It is the pillar of light for all sorts of living creatures.

Everyone blessed with magic power will be given treatment and training to serve their nations in many jobs.