New place

in the early morning a black range Rover was on its way to airport .

"baby doll ,your not gonna stay in hotel .

we have a house near pink forest and also I have arranged every thing for you there I need you to stay there ."

"OK dad ".

"you have to call us daily , and also our mind link will be open every time for you don't forget".

"yes dad ".

" can I expect my baby to have a date when we join you ",.

a pink blush appeared on Sara cheeks.

there was a silence in air until they reach airport .

Sam was hugging Sara as a koala.

"Sam you can join her after a week and she is not going away from you forever now you can release her ".mom frowned at Sam.

there was a call for boarding pass checking ,Sara went to stand in que and waiting .

'i think we gonna have a pleasant time ' .

'is it ???'.both Sara and her wolf were shocked ,because it was first time jaggi said enthusiastically.

she came back after checking .

OK mom dad take care ,Sam your an alpha stop pretending as child and lastly take care of restaurant or else I will kill you remember".

Sam raised his hand and saluted her "as you command sis ".

they all began to laugh .there was call to aborad the flight ,Sara turned towards the gate and started to move mom was going behind dad pulled her back in to his arms and stopped her ,"guys ... seriously ,go get yourself a room".Sam chuckled ,they both glared at him.

and returned to their work .


in flight

jaggi was going crazy for some reason

'what is it ?and why are you acting crazy?'.

'some thing going to happen 'jaggi was overwrilmed.

Sara and Wolfie rolled their eyes at a time inwardly .

it was just two hours of flight in which Sara was editing photos,the flight landed and Sara got of the plain the moment she reached the gate she was welcomed by a sweet aroma of vanilla mixed was tempting which made her to block out Wolfie and jaggi back of her mind.

there was a sudden panickness which made her to take long strades toward the exit . when she reached exit there was a red Ferrari waiting for her ,and a man opened the door to the passenger seat .

"hello uncle Jay ".

the man answered in a bright smile

"hello miss Sara Smith ,nice to meet you",.

"uncle its Sara ,no formalities ".

"okay ". once the scent from earlier was becoming strong this made Sara's heart beat to increase it's speed.

"uncle please lets go fast I am feeling uneasy here".

the car started and moved as fast as possible.