
in the morning ,as usual the workout carried on but not in gym but in the backyard where dad was supervising every techniques of Sam and Sara's fight .

it continued for continuos two hours ,after that she returned to meditate forcing Sam to join her .

after two hours dad and mom was ready to visit blood moon pack with Sam

'dad I am going to take delivery of Sams gift I will join you latter is it okay ??' Sara questioned her father through mind link.

'ok baby girl join us there after finishing it '.

Sara smiled widely and nodded .

Sam was ready to get out with his father ,but he was sad ,today was his birthday but still no one wished him ,he was silently sobing in mind. Sam drove his SUV with his parents while Sara was waiting for delivery.

they reached pack house gate ,they warm heatedly welcomed into the pack Sam was just following his dad still out of his mood.

"welcome alpha Harry ,Luna Regina and alpha Sam ...." alpha Jose welcomed them ,

"nice to meet you alpha Jose ".dad replayed

Jose took them to living area and turned towards his wife and introduced her and new alpha Williams when he called out Lilly.....

a slight orange fragrance hit Sam nose and brought him back to the present his wolf started to yell


'mate..... '

he was in a daze when a girl of age 17 appeared in front of him she had hazel eyes ,sharp nose,pink lips totally beautiful for him ,as him even she was in a daze looking at him .

"mate!!!!!".she uttered with a slight smile

"mine ".Sam responded with a wide smile . there was a pindrop silence in the room .

they all came to their sense .

"haha ....Sam at last you found your mate".mom was jumping of happyness .

still Sam and Lilly was starring at each other .

his wolf was going crazy while interacting with Lilly's seeing them elders left them alone for their privacy when Sam came back to his sense they were alone in the room ,still Sam couldn't believe himself that moon goddess as gifted him for his birthday,his right hand granted her hand pulled her towards him hugging her and let out a sigh ,Lilly could smell fresh mint on Sam's body she buried her face in his chest inhaling his sent which was calming her.

they stood there as it is for few minutes .Lilly pulled herself from him which made Sam to let growl .

"cool down ,I am staying beside you ".

Sam and his wolf were grinning .

after that Lilly pulled him to the alpha office where others were seated.

after Sam entered everyone was happy Lilly was blushing.

Williams started to talk"alpha Sam and alpha Harry thank you for coming ,we needed to train our warriors for sudden attacks from Rouge's ...."before he could "alpha Williams there gonna be attack in three hours" beta James came catching breath and informed them. "we didn't expected that!!!".

all were shock "how many of them in their team?".

"alpha more than 200 , and our team is only hundred , we are out numbered what shall we do now??".

there was a silence for some minutes ,

"don't worry alpha Williams I am sure we will win ,I will inform my sigma to be here right now I am dam sure we will win we will support you ". Sam said with the confidence . Williams looked towards family of trio who had same confidence so he nodded right now his priority was his pack and family ,he will fight until his last breath .so he ready to take every chances ,he was ready to turn every stone for safety of his pack .so he was ready for Sam's suggestions.

"OK alpha Sam I will join you ".Sam nodded happily and took out his phone

he was going to call Sara but dad stopped him .

"call through mind link to make quick arrival" .

"okay dad".

'sis I need your help right now '.

'i will be there in 15 minutes, is it okay??'


he faced Williams "my sigma will be here in 15 minutes we can talk when our sigma reaches here " .

"okay ".but still Williams had doughts which was showed in his face.

"don't doughts us alpha Williams I trust my sigma and alpha they decided to help you ,then they will do it" .dad confrimed Williams, because dad knew about Sara and Sam this was just a game for them ,they are trained for more.