Rouges or puppets

there was silence every as if indicating the silence before the storm.

every one were having dinner ,all of a sudden they heard howl near by which meant to be a injured wolf.

every one moved towards the place where they found a werewolf dead and one more was tied to tree there was letter on sticked on it.

"handover me your pack and submit to my king ".

it was in bold letters written in blood.

every one were traumatized by this .

the person dead were rouges but the death was on pack territory. some warrior's took the bodies to bury. after this twins and sara reached alpha demain's office ."alpha demain this is takeing a new turn make sure to call your alpha back ,if his is not recovered tell him to bring her here ,I will cure her". she used her authoritative voice.and left him but before reaching the door she turn back,"as for the safety, I have create a shield around the pack territory and also around the pack house so the people ,who are your friends and relatives will only be able to come in ".she said this and returned home.

as for alpha demain called his son.

the phone was answered after three rings.

"William's we need you here,come back with rose as soon as possible.... " ended the call, he didn't wait for the other person to replay.

sara went back to she was provided but after few minutes she remembered what her mother told her.

"guys did you buried the rouges ". she quickly mind linked them. "not yet miss sara we are now we are at pack hospital " .replay came

"okay ,wait for me".


she reached the pack hospital in the morgue they had laid the bodies and waited for her .

taking a deep breath ,Sara touched the head of dead person ,she started to search for the memories. and started to the recent event ,she found the dead person kneeling in front of some blindfolded ,"say alpha ben will you hand over or die " ,a voice was heard from behind ,"no I wont".was the answer given by the dead person.


alpha ben you need to know ,I will get what ever I want by hook or crook,".said a minaniching voice which created shivers in sara ,next she heard a woman scream and child scream as if some kne killed them ,the person who talked second startedcto laugh as I'd devil possessed him. the person now dead became a rouge due to the pain of loosing his family, but it created chaos in mind,because of recent events and now this .

she received a letter from her mother yesterday in which she had mentioned that ,recently four pack lost their alpha and pack became rouges,but the question that poundered her was' how can whole pack became rouges ,if alpha dead the beta will be there to take care ,what happen to them'

in the other side of the dark forest a person was gazing at rising sun .

"master we have informed the silver pack".

"good now I will get my fifth army ,what about the warrior who defeated lexa?".

"she is in the silver pack ,training them ".

"what do you mean by she ?".

"master it a she wolf ".

"interesting a she wolf who can defeat a hybrid ".

but their conservation was cutted when a person ran in front and kneeled ,"master we can't enter the silver pack territory, some type of shield if throwing us away if we try to enter".

"wow I think I got an opponent to play with...ha.ha

ha.....he started to laugh creating shivers in the people around him...