The beginning of them

The end of that year brought many changes.

Madison Trent turned sixteen; she also acquired a maturity that almost daunted everyone around her. Some remnant of Ashley's entourage tried to get revenge for their friend but even that she casually swatted away by copying a leaf out of her mom's tactic: she hired a private detective and ordered him to investigate her enemies' economic backgrounds.

Sure enough, some of them were connected to her mother's influential family in L City. When she read the report, she then asked their family lawyer to contact the kids' parents, bluntly telling them thru the lawyer what's in store for their families if their sons or daughters continue harassing her in school.

The harassment stopped immediately and Madi became a figure of fear in her school.

Jayden Hayes was aware of what's going and raised his head to look more closely at this average-looking girl he had wanted to see crushed as an experiment. But she was cleverer than he realized. She was an average student who couldn't pass a math test without studying extensively for months but her instinct for survival was greater than anyone he had ever seen. And his interest was piqued.

When their teacher decided to assign a new seating arrangement after ignoring it for nearly a year, the physical proximity between Jayden Hayes and Madison Trent narrowed to about five feet. Jayden now sits on Madi's chair, she sits across him on the aisle, while Drum sits on a chair in front of Jayden. Cozy and tight except that the two central figures in this triangle have yet to speak or even acknowledge each other.

For Madi, the situation was sweet torture. Her feelings for Jayden were a tangled knot she didn't even recognize anymore. She likes him but also hated him for starting the harassment campaign against her. He caused her to lose a friend, lose her place in class, and basically nearly destroyed her confidence as a student. Simply because he looked into her eyes and saw the worshipful look in them, the love and longing. And he decided to take her down a peg for liking him.

Without both of them realizing it, their relationship started a new and unexpected phase. His interest grew while she began to retreat from him. He found this out one day when they met by chance in the library. She was pulling out a book on the shelf and he happened to be on the other side, reading. They gazed at each other between the cracks. His look of surprise was genuine. She was at first stunned to see him then the shutters came down to hide her expression. She took her book and walked away without another word.

Another time, they met at the gates. She didn't even glance at him, just walked ahead without a backward glance. In class, she was both talkie and expressive with Drum but ignored him like the plague. She ignored his coterie of girls, ignored the result of his team winning the playoffs, ignored any news that involved him altogether.

And she did it in a way that looked so casual and natural. She was no longer hanging out with the rest of the class. She retreated from them just as she retreated from Jayden. She treated them like ghosts, they exist but they no longer have the power to hurt even interest her so she ignored them. After all, she only have to suffer them for another year. It's not as if they would even care what happens to each other after graduation.

Madi was learning how to build a wall around herself for self-protection. She didn't know it but this attitude of hers actually has a far reaching influence in making Jayden take notice of her. Her retreat increased his interest in her. Because she put herself outside his coterie of admirers and made it obvious she was no longer part of that crowd.

Jayden, challenged by her coldness, began to actively pursue her. And he started by making his pursuit the talk of the entire school.

The fresh flowers, two dozens of red roses surrounded by a dozen of white ones, arrived one morning when the entire class was on break. The delivery boy, who was dressed in a red uniform, was young and good looking. His presence immediately attracted the attention of students loitering in the hall. He was not easy to overlook. Besides his good looks, the flowers, fresh and bedewed, were an attractive calling card by itself.

The girls goggled at him. The boys craned their necks in curiosity. Then like one body, eaten by the same inquisitiveness, they followed behind the boy, whispering among themselves, interested and excited to see which classroom he would stop at. When his footsteps led him to Madi's class, the whispering became almost frantic. Class 1A had many beauties. There was Gina, Marsha, Kelly and Yvette. Who could it be? Who's the lucky girl those flowers was meant for?

When the delivery boy entered the room, the entire class gaped at him. Gaped at the flowers; gaped at the number of people squeezed inside the narrow door. The beauties of the class also gaped then their eyes brightened. It was like the Judgment of Paris. The bouquet of flowers was about to crown the most beautiful and the most desired and the waiting anticipation was just about killing everybody.

"Delivery for..."

"Is that for me?" Gina interrupted eagerly, extending a hand towards the boy.

"Huh? You've got the nerve. It's for me," Yvette, a short girl with exquisite features, sneered.

Give it here," she said, calling to the delivery boy.

"Are you Madison Trent?" the boy asked with an arched brow.


Not only was Yvette staggered by the question, everyone who heard the name open their mouths in wide Os, their tongues hanging out their mouths like dogs panting.

Everybody's eyes swiveled in a mixture of horror, shock, and a flare of resentment towards Madison, who lifted up her head with mild curiosity. She stared at the bouquet of flowers like it was a bomb and waited blankly as the boy, who had followed the crowd's eyes, walked towards her and handed her the delivery.

Madi's hand remained at her side so the boy placed the flowers on her desk. He waited, smiling at her expectantly, then as Madi remained unmoved his smile turned into a perplexed frown. Then he gave a little salute and with one last glance at Madi, he left.

The crowd ringed around Madi and watched, waiting for her to pick the flowers up and open the card attached to it. Madi, however, didn't even glance at it. She shifted her things on the desk so that the flowers fell on the ground at her feet, the petals scattering like red and white dots on the floor.

It was this scene that greeted Jayden when he entered the room and took his seat next to Madi's chair. He threw a quick glance at her, his eyes falling coldly at the abandoned and ignored flowers at her feet. She didn't even indicate so much as a flutter of her lashes that she was even aware of the petals on the ground.

When Drum came in and saw the flowers, he opened his mouth to speak but stopped when he encountered Madi's eyes. He glanced at the wooden-faced Jayden then at Madi's blank face and pretty much guessed what had happened. He didn't say anything anymore, merely glanced at the flowers scattered messily around Madi's feet.

When they took their lunch at their favorite place that afternoon, Drum was about to pop his chest out from repressed feelings.

"How did you know it came from him?" he asked, agog with curiosity.

"Since it's not my birthday and it didn't come from you, of course, there was only one person left," Madi said dryly. "Did you send the flowers?"


"Then it's him."

"But how did you know?"

"Because that's his MO. Everything is a game to him, Drum. First, he wanted to punish me then when I didn't break he now thought of another idea to achieve his goal. Pursue me then dump me publicly at the earliest opportunity."

"Honestly, Madi. Your relationship with this guy is too unhealthy," Drum complained.

"We don't have a relationship."

"Hello. Someone sent you flowers and you immediately know it was from him. If it's not a relationship then what is it?"

"A game," Madi said. "A sick game of pride and ego, Drum."

"When did you get to be this wise, girl? I mean, can't you take a joke?"

"Being called a slut by your classmates is not fun, you know. I still have a year to go to finish high school. During that time, I will not let down my guard again. Anyone who dares bully me again, I will make sure they get what's coming to them," Madi said grimly.

"Madison, chill. You're only sixteen and in high school. Bullying is part of the age, you know. You got to learn how to take a joke."

"I know how to take a joke. My lawyer told a joke to those people's families that I will bankrupt them if their sons or daughters so much as look at me in class and they got so scared they nearly peed in their pants. And I was only joking. Why is it a joke when you're sixteen and a matter of life and death when you're thirty five?"

"You're crazy," Drum said, shaking his head.

"I know. Better crazy with my limbs intact than sane dead, right?"

Of course, the shocking news that the bouquet of flowers came from Jayden spread throughout the school in matter of seconds. Madi didn't touch the flowers. She left it where she dumped it so as soon as her back was turned, Gina snapped up the card and read the message written on it. The words and the name were in written in familiar hand writing. The writer signed his name simply as 'Jayde'.

Gina was so shocked she crumbled to a chair in a near faint. The rest of her classmates looked at her then snatched at the card eagerly. As soon as the name was revealed, they became zombified like Gina, the air let out of their bags so depressingly they resembled old deflated tires masquerading as high school students.

Anger and resentment arose in many a jealous breasts. Their malice sprung almost unchecked and their instinct was to immediately confront then attack Madi. But when they looked at her, she met their angry and resentful stares with an unflinching coldness. And then they remembered their parents' warning, touch a hair on this slut's head and it's bye bye to all their hopes and dreams.

Madi was smiling, daring them to do something.

The fire in their gazes was quenched. They swallowed their resentment and almost choked from its bitterness. But they stand down. They had no choice but to. The alternative was nightmare incarnate. Most of them, after all, were scared of that gruesome condition: notoriety stemming from poverty.

It was another matter for Jayden Hayes. His public pursuit of Madison Trent ended up as a big joke. She actually dared to reject his gift in public. She didn't even give him face. It was like a public slap. He gave her preference and she laughed at him. Who did she think she was?

Their private war became even more frigid. Like Ashley Patton, Madi didn't give Jayden any wiggle room so he found himself at a loss how to deal with her. One time, he threw away his pride and invited Drum to a party, letting it be known that since Drum and Madi were close friends, he wouldn't mind if she comes along as his partner or something. He was so casual about it that even the thick-headed Drum ended up almost laughing in stitches.

Madi went to the party with Drum. She didn't need to be coaxed because she wanted to go anyway. It occurred to her that this was practically her last year in high school. At the end of the school year next year, there will be no time to party anymore since she'll be too busy testing for university, graduation and other stuff.

Madi was being pragmatic. She didn't even care that the invitation came from Jayden.

The party was in a five star hotel a few distance from St Bartholomew's. Jayden had rented a big ballroom and it was almost overflowing with people when they arrived.

Of course, the crowd were surprised to see Madi. Since the bullying and her ruthless squashing of it, Madi had become much more of a pariah than ever before. These kids couldn't and wouldn't touch her since they feared her but they could still show their disdain and contempt of her by ignoring and isolating her.

They were doing it now. She was being pushed out without the physical or verbal abuse this time but the mutterings were getting louder, the looks getting colder, and the hate and dislike in the room became almost palpable.

Madi, however, did something she knew she had to do before she leaves high school. One final act of bravado that will ensure her survival in the world when she finally takes her place in it. She strolled around the room with her head high, meeting everyone's eyes with a message on her mocking face as loud and as fearless as death: You will not cower or defeat me. I fucking own you.

When she reached the largest group of people who were throwing her withering and angry glances, she stopped and looked boldly at each of their faces.

You will not hide your bullying behind a faceless group of people, her proud look says. I will remember each and every one of your faces because if I ever see you in my path ever again, I will fucking crush and destroy you.

That goes for you, too, you fucking asshole, her eyes finally sought Jayden's.

Jayden's eyes narrowed. His thin lips curled in an unpleasant sneer.

Gina, who was obviously drunk, suddenly tried to take a swing at Madi, who ducked then closed her fist. The small fist swung in a graceful arc then connected with a loud thud at Gina's stomach.

Gina doubled over in pain, clutching at her stomach, and coughing blood. Everyone stared at her shocked then at Madi, who laughed.

"What a fucking useless cunt," she mocked. "Next time you try to punch me, sober yourself up first. Then maybe you might get a chance to really hurt me."

"That's enough!" Jayden suddenly said, his voice loud and angry. "Are you insane? Can't you see that she's drunk?"

"Is being drunk enough reason then to try to take a punch at me? So, if she had really hurt me it's okay because she was drunk. But because I hurt her, it's my fault because she was drunk and she didn't know what she was doing. How okay is that?"

"Madi, let's go," said Drum at her side.

"No, I'm not in the mood to go yet. I have too much energy to spare. I think I'd like to stay and beat these useless cunts up. I want something memorable to remember by before I leave high school."

"Are you crazy?" Drum screamed. "That's crazy talk, Madi. You're not drunk so you have no excuse. Let's go."

"If you want to beat us up, lady, then we'll give you a chance," a boy of about sixteen spoke up. He gave Madi a mocking smile. "Care to try me on then?"

"Sure," Madi said, with a careless laugh. "Anyone want to join him? Don't be scared. I won't hurt you that much."

"Madison! Stop!" Drum was at Madi's side again, trying to drag her angrily away.

But Madi this time was feeling high from excitement. It was really time to unveil her mask. It was getting too annoying anyway. Besides, she needed the exercise.

Without another word, Madi's hands went to the zipper of her black dress. Everyone looked at her like she was insane. What was she doing taking her dress off....the body underneath the flowing black dress was slim and very tight. The leather black bra glitters off skin the color of white marble. The tiny black skirt supports a trim waist and a curvaceous behind that curved in a perfect heart shape. Long black hair coiled around Madi's waistline like a snapping snake, the trims surrounding a face that was white and expressionless.

All eyes gaped at her.

"Nice getup," said the boy, taking off his jacket and taking his stance. Before Madi could answer, his hand moved. The punch would have felled an ox but Madi only laughed as she dodged to the right, her leg already lashing out at the boy's unprotected stomach. When her knee connected with his middle, the boy's breathing hitched in a gasp then he doubled over, his eyes seeing stars.

Madi waited for him to get his bearing back before attacking again. This time her lithe and lissome body made a graceful jump and landed on the boy's chest, causing him to fall on his back with a loud thud. He looked up from his prostrate position on the floor and at Madi, who was squeezing his middle between her thighs, her unblinking eyes focused on him like he was an interesting thing she suddenly wanted to study.

"Little boy wants to meddle," she crooned softly, leaning provocatively on his chest. "What shall I do with you? Want me to take your head off?"

"Madi, please," Drum was almost crying. "Don't hurt him. Please don't hurt him."

Before he could say another word, seven boys simultaneously attacked Madi, their eyes angry and murderous.

Madi sprang off the boy's chest then instead of retreating, she lunged at the boys coming at her with angry fists. Madi agilely moved around their attacks, easily repelling them with her fists and her strong, flexible legs. In matter of minutes, the fight was over. Eight boys were groaning on the ground while Madi, whose size was not even on par with the smallest boy in the group, stood watching them with a satisfied glint in her eyes.

"Not even enough to satisfy me but beggars can't be choosers, I guess," she said, then turned around to snatch a bottle of champagne on the table.

"What the hell are you?" Yvette asked, hiding behind Jayden.

"A black belt," answered Madi, opening the bottle and taking a swig of its contents. "I'm so good at it I can even unhook that dress you're wearing in five seconds flat. Want to try it?"

Yvette snapped her trap shut with a loud noise.

"I didn't know you know martial arts, Madi," Drum said, looking at her with a glint of something like worship in his eyes.'

"Learned it since I was three. My mother insisted. My dad, however, told me not to tell anyone. He said it would scare people away," Madi said with a smile. "He didn't know it would come in handy in high school. I'm also good with guns, knives, poison and other stuff."

Her listeners were staring at her like she was a freak.

"This is just a warning. I still have a year in high school. Anyone try to hurt or bully me again, I won't even say anything. I would just break your bones so you can't go to school anymore and repeat fourth year again. As for those girls hating me because of someone I won't even mention, bother me again and I'll do an experiment on you. I'll strip you naked in school, spread your legs wide, and ram a dildo up your cunts. If you're a virgin, I'll give the bloodied dildo as a gift to the second guy who's fucked you. The dildo will be your first. So, please give me a chance to do this experiment, okay?"

The guests listened to her in gathering horror. They looked at her average looking face and realized how much of a monster she is. And this monster is not only threatening them with financial destruction but physical bodily harm as well. Sweat gathered on their armpits. They've awakened a fucking monster. Madison Trent is a fucking monster.

Madi, however, had only eyes for one person. She let her mouth lift in a contemptuous sneer. When she turned her back, Jayden Hayes' eyes flashed with an answering gleam. The game is on and winner takes all.