
Forked Roads, Taking Different Paths and Decisions

Day 21 – 6:03 PM – Mountain Village, Mount Malabito, General Nakar, Quezon

The sun already started to set on the horizon though the horizon could not be seen due to the place being surrounded by mountains. When Mark turned around and entered the house after giving the group their first task, it seemed that they gathered for a short meeting first since he could hear soft whispers outside the house.

Mark was already preparing the fish in the kitchen when Hallie followed him. She was not alone however. Since only the bedroom was enclosed with both the kitchen and living room being in the same segment of the house, Mark saw Hallie the moment she stepped through the only door of the house. She came into the door being accompanied by the girl who sat beside her outside. Mark did not mind however since it was obvious that Hallie could not walk on her own.

"You can sit there. As for the other I did not call, you can go out."