
Aerial Threat, The Crazed Infected Animals of the Sky

Day 25 – 2:15 PM – Philippine General Hospital, Ermita, Metro Manila

"You heard the idiot leader of Team Fairy! If any of you can't deal with the [Leader Types], lure them to the front of the hospital!"

Major Lopez rubbed his temple after he spoke at the radio.

While majority of the people participating in this mission were issued with the main radio, the squad and team leaders, whether the soldiers or the private groups, were given another smaller radio that should only be used in emergency. He did not expect that the idiot granddaughter of one of the previous American Major that participated in World War II would be able to think of using the radio to contact Keene who was also a leader of his own team. The major just wished that it would not set as a bad example that the other leaders would follow.