
A Bloody Request, For a Place to Start Anew

Day 38 – 8:11 AM - Moutain Base, Mount Malabito, General Nakar, Quezon

Mark panned his eyes at the people in front of him.

Killing people, he was not new to it. At the very start of the apocalypse, the government collapsed and the laws of the country lost its importance. Lives of people became cheap due to various reasons and a person killing another was not new.

He did not mind if these people killed others. What he minded was for what reason they killed.

When Mark asked that question, he immediately knew who among them had their hands stained with blood. It was also not hard to distinguish who were those that killed for their desires and those who killed for self-defense. He was an Empath after all. He did not need overly troublesome measures like psychological tests or lie detector tests.

Unexpectedly, one of the fluctuations indicating that he killed someone came from one of the children, the boy from the two siblings.