
Conflict, The Feud Between the Three Families and the Arrival of the First Threat

Day 41 – 10:02 AM – Free Port District, East Port Settlement, Barangay Dinahican, Infanta, Quezon

Everyone in the port had already stopped what they were doing in shock at the scene they could see by the horizon. Most of the people here in the Free Port District right now were those that were already informed of the incoming storm and were preparing the anti-flood measures they planned. Seeing the storm that appeared ahead of time however, they all lost confidence that the measures they were preparing would be able to stand against the incoming storm.

In fact, they want to retort who ever said that a storm was coming. It was very far from being a storm and also far to be called a super typhoon. The storm on the horizon was obviously way stronger than those.

Strange enough however, although the clouds started to thicken and move faster towards the storm, not a single drop of rain had fallen anywhere outside the dark-gray clouds.