
Communication, The Location of the Blood Bank and the Arrival of the Fools

Day 58 - 4:42 PM - University of Perpetual Help System Dalta, Las Piñas Campus, Alabang-Zapote Road, Barangay Pamplona Tres, Las Piñas, Metro Manila

A reunion, whether it was between family members, friends or even just between two people who only knew the faces of each other, it was an event that was very unlikely to happen. In a world where the infected invaded everything, even just seeing the dead bodies or the walking corpse of their loved ones was already a huge miracle. No matter how hopeful one was, it would not change that fact.

Yet, despite the circumstances that made it even more impossible, Karlene and Analynn reunited with each other. Due to uncanny circumstances, they still met each other even though they were about a hundred and fifty plus kilometers away from each other when the apocalypse started. A distance and location where the two were enough to be said that they were at the opposite ends of the country.