
The Raider Group's End, A Final Touch of Bad Karma

Day 72 - 11:02 AM - Mansion, Padilla, San Jose, Antipolo, Rizal

Heavy pressure enveloped the surroundings as Mark released the emotional energies he accumulated from his Emphatic Ability. It was a medium-scale [Emotion Induction] that targeted every single enemy in this area.

Mark's eyes glowed bright red as he planted deep fear in everyone's subconscious. None were aware of it and did not feel the fear consciously. However, their bodies stopped moving as it recognized the intense feeling of fear inside the back of their minds. As a result, they felt heavy, and their legs were shaking.

The enemies could barely move at all. And only those with enough mental fortitude would be able to negate this effect. Like three people among them.


Gunshots echoed from above as HawkOwl opened his wings and flew up. This birdman was the first to react to Mark surviving the explosion.