
Gravely Mistaken, The Result of Overthinking Things Because of Culture

Day 76 - 10:27 AM - Cliff House Balcony, Mountain Base, Mount Malabito, General Nakar, Quezon

Despite not being planned, Mark was back at this balcony once more. Even though he frequented this place every day, it was only at times that they were having meals, relaxing, or doing some designs. The reason being this place was the most relaxing part of the base.

Not only that it could let them oversee the base, and a wide area towards the east, the wind blowing from here felt nice. It was a perfect setting for many things.

Now, he was here with some unusual guests. Usually, he would bring guests toward the living room near the entrance. However, as these guests, right now, were tense, it was not suitable to bring them in an enclosed area.