
By the Raging River, Meeting The Rey of Eastern Mountains and the Representatives of the Surviving Races

Day ▮▮ - ▮▮:▮▮ ▮▮ - Border River, Eastern Mountain Foot

Halfway down the mountain, Mark and his team encountered fewer attacks from the infected creatures. Furthermore, the closer they get to the border where the dry land and the fertile soil transitioned, the lesser infected they encountered.

What bordered the dry mountain and the other claimed by the Duendes was a river flowing from north to south. The river was about fifty meters wide, and the flow of the water was considerably strong. Even a fully grown human adult would have great difficulties crossing the river without a bridge.

Nevertheless, the strong current of the river did not matter to both Chaflar and Gifre. At the deepest parts, Chaflar just flapped its wings and flew to the other side while Gifre just crossed it normally.