
Yukine by the River, Her Thoughts, Her Identity, and Another Oracle

Day 125 - 10:22 PM - Agos River, Mount Malabito, General Nakar, Quezon

Yukine sat on the rocky riverside, playing with her foot on the water. Her white robe lay on the rock beside her, revealing her beautiful visage as a fox spirit in human form.

She was a part of the Yuki Kitsune, a group to gather intelligence and information that was directly under the Empress, the leader of the Japanese Branch of Auraboros.

Yuki Kitsune was composed of white spirit foxes who were the ones with the most alluring appearances among the spirit foxes. This quirk made it easier for them to deal with people and gather information without getting too much suspicion. Some times, their appearance made the people overlook the severity of their questions without using their abilities to charm them.