
A Grave Situation, The Impending End of the Bally's Casino Survivors

Day 126 - 12:03 PM - Monitoring Division, Great Island Military Base, Atlantic City High School, Great Island, Atlantic City, New Jersey, United States of America

"Dad, are you just letting that weird professor go his way like this?"

"Major, I have the same opinion. It was already the fifth time it happened. Not only to you but our other personnel."

Both Maurice, the Major's son, and Private James, complained to the Major, who already snapped out of the mental suggestion of Professor Alston.

"You two should not mention this anywhere else. I'm angry myself be can't do anything."

Major McGuire let out a deep breath.

"Remember that our families are still under the government's "protection."

Sending soldiers on the battlefield while leaving their families under the so-called protection of the government. It was not a new concept. This, however, was what the US government did to force the soldiers into fighting and surviving.