
The Tribulation, A Higher Level of His Empathic Ability

Day 129 - 4:13 PM - Newton Lake, Veteran's Memorial Park, Oakly, Camden County, New Jersey, United States of America

Swaying his feet as he sat by the bench, the boy watched the mayhem he created unfold. Without a doubt, he was quite amazed that Mark, Mei, and Illia were able to hold on despite being swarmed by almost a hundred powerful beings. Furthermore, they were the ones having the advantage.

Of course, he was having fun watching this. And because of that, he wanted for it to not end fast.

"Thunderbird, attack."

The boy whispered directly into the bird's head.

That was when the strikes of lightning fell unto Mark's group, forcing him to take out the [Photokinesis Mental Crystal] and redirect the lightning by moving photons and electrons in the air. It made an invisible bridge that forced the lightning to change directions.