
Inside the Cave Prison, Reunion and a Lifetime Farewell

Day 154 - 9:21 PM - Root Cave Prison, Tamawo Ancestral Tribe, Municipality of Badian, Province of Cebu

For Celine, it might be just a few years.

And for Pefile, it was about two decades.

The amount of time might be different.

But the two of them longed for each other deeply within their hearts.

Now,  they finally met after years of loneliness.

And only the prison bars made of sturdy roots separated the two.

Without hesitation, Pefile grabbed the prison bars made of tree roots. The Root Cave Prison was not just a cave but a living one. These prison bars could be commanded by the shaman of the tribe to open and close if needed. And by right, it was the shaman who was the warden of this place.