
Inside the Hut of Vines, A Conversation with Artenaris

Day 162 - 12:29 PM - Ragtag Encampment, New Infanta Settlement, Infanta, Province of Quezon

With only Mark's group and the woman sitting on the flower seat inside the hut, there was no distraction from observing the half-Diwata.

Half-beings were not unheard of in myths and folklore. However, there was a difference between races that needed other races to continue and races that did not need such conditions.

Tikabalangs may have a female counterpart, the Anggitay. However, they were known to make female humans bear their children instead. There were also the Tamawos, who did not have any females in their race. They had to rely on human females to procreate.

In these two cases, all of their race could be considered as half-races. However, the blood of the race was too strong that they override their human blood. After some time, they would transform into the race of their fathers.