
The Chaotic Plans, Mark's Offer to the General at a Loss

Day 202 - 8:51 PM - Northwest Military Compound, Safezone, Corregidor Military Settlement, Island of Corregidor, Province of Cavite

Slumped on his chair at the building's meeting area on the third floor, General Perez was at a loss. It was not only him. All the people present were in a similar state. 

Nonetheless, General Perez and his family were in the worst state of mind, along with two more people. One was Cielo, and the other was Pauline.

What happened?

Last night, when everyone less expected it, three people disappeared from the compound they were in.

One who was missing was Angeline, the only daughter of General Perez. She went missing with her childhood friend, Paula, Pauline's daughter, and Elsa, Cielo's eldest sister.

No one knew how or when it exactly happened. It was only put to everyone's attention after Cielo started freaking out last night.