
Unexpected Change of Rule, The Timely Strike of Karma unto the Greedy People

Day 250 - 10:48 AM - Codon Settlement, Barangay Codon, Municipality of San Andres, Province of Catanduanes

After removing the trash, Mark continued to wander around the settlement. He tried to be as inconspicuous as he could be, not letting people unnecessarily see him. Mark even called out the [Photokinesis Mental Crystal] and covered himself with [Optical Camouflage]. This method might alert magically sensitive creatures and people if he got too close, but it was way better than easily being seen as suspicious by the people of the settlement.

And as more time Mark spent around Codon Settlement, the more he learned about the things that happened here.

Although it was known that the Political Faction now ruled the settlement, it was in name only. It was because...

Most of the members of the faction had already perished, and the main perpetrators of the rule change were no exception.