
[Anti Space Hazard Units], The True Purpose and Functions of the Explosive [Flying Mechids]

Day 253 - 8:38 AM - Mountainous Crater, Municipality of Viga, Province of Catanduanes

When the magical creatures saw the dozens of flying [Mechids] leaving the body of the [Giant Mechid], they could not help but feel nervous.

The rarest kinds of [Mechid] were those that could fly and swim. But even if they were rare, it was not the first time these warriors fought a [Mechid] capable of flight.

And all those battles where the magical warriors fought these flying [Mechids] was when they lost their comrades the most. Thus, this type of [Mechids] left a scar in their minds.

In those unforgettable battles, they only had to fight one flying [Mechid] at a time, but the aftermath was catastrophic. Now that they had seen more than a hundred at one time, it was no surprise that they could feel a tinge of subconscious fear.

But as warriors under Diwata Iraya, they would not just break down from this sight. They would fight till the end.