
The Aura of Death, The Unexplained Power That Mark Currently Bore

Day 253 - 9:11 AM -  Mountainous Crater, Municipality of Viga, Province of Catanduanes

Something strange was happening to Mark. Not only did the markings on Mark's body change, but he was exuding the aura and smell of death for some reason.

Chimetrice stared at Mark with unconcealed surprise.

There was only one time in a person's life that they would exude the aura of death. It was when their time living in this world was up.

At a glance, one who would feel this aura from Mark would think he was about to die. However, Chimetrice knew that this was not the case.

The aura of death seen on a dying person felt like smoke from a fire about to die out. That kind of aura of death would spread out of their bodies before vanishing. It would not linger too long but would continue to emanate until those people breathe their last.

Mark's aura of death was different, however.