
After the Party, The Farewell of the Sentiment and Mark's Current Plans

Day 262 - 11:57 PM - Cliff House, Mountain Base, Mount Malabito, General Nakar, Province of Quezon

The sentiment left, and Mark continued to sit down and gaze at the strange stone in his hand. By how the light waned within the wishing stone, Mark expected the sentiment to vanish by morning at the latest.

But then, to Mark's surprise, the gemstone's glow suddenly bloomed.

Mark hastily stood from his chair, almost toppling it down, and quickly rushed to the room where his daughters were sleeping.

Moving swiftly and silently, Mark reached the room without alerting anyone.

Mark silently opened the room and saw the sentiment of Abbygale's mother sitting on the bed beside the little girl. Unlike before, her body was much clearer and more or less in a similar state to the little ghost girl in Negros. Most importantly, she was caressing Abbygale's hair.