
To the Next Tour, Back Once More to the Stone Fortress

Day 264 - 7:51 AM - General Nakar Mountains, Municipality of General Nakar, Province of Quezon

Early the next day, after visiting Infanta Settlement, Mark was on his way northeast of Mount Malabito. The current destination was the Stone Fortress. Although he was not really in a hurry, he wanted to finish what he wanted to do as fast as possible.

Unlike yesterday when Mark went to Infanta Settlement a little later in the morning, he decided to leave early this time. It was because Spera's portal could not be used to travel to the current location of the Stone Fortress.

The [Fusion of Dimensions] caused the Earth's geography to shift and change drastically. It disabled Spera's portals from working since the places she had been before were displaced from their original locations. 

That was why, right now, Spera was dragged along with Mark for today's excursion. Yes, dragged.