
A Green Hell, Preparing for the Next Journey and an Unexpected Addition to the Team

Day 350 - 9:21 AM - Jakarta, Java, Indonesia

Indonesia. It was the largest island nation in Southeast Asia and Oceania, sharing both land and sea borders with several countries. Its capital city, Jakarta, was also the second most populated city in the region. It also shared the largest island ecosystem in the continent, the island of Borneo, with Malaysia and Brunei.

The Republic of Indonesia had an almost entirely tropical climate. This weather system contributed to the natural creation of the third-largest rainforest area in the world, following the Amazon and Africa's Congo Basin.

And such a factor ended up affecting almost the entirety of the country after the apocalypse.

Just like the Philippines, Indonesia was a country separated into thousands of islands. The Philippine's around seven thousand islands was nothing compared to Indonesia's eighteen thousand.