
A Quick Rescue, Helping a Dying Group Surrounded by Giant Lizards

Day 358 - 5:42 PM - Podorejo,Ngaliyan,Semarang City, Central Java, Indonesia

Running from branch to branch, rushing from tree to tree, and swinging from vine to vine, Bajing's silhouette traversed the forest with exceptional speed. She moved atop the trees like a squirrel, as implied by her current name.

Soon enough, Bajing's ear picked up on the sounds of an ongoing battle.

Bajing lowered her speed, carefully jumping on branches with barely any noise. She then arrived at a slightly wider area under the cover of the tall trees.

The ongoing bloody battle entered Bajing's sight.

It was a group of mostly injured people besieged by a pack of monsters. These monsters were a lounge of Evolved Komodo Dragons now called [Ground Hunters].