
The Growing Distrust, The Events Unfolding After the Revealed Existence of the [Face Wearers]

Day 363 - 10:13 AM - West District, Southside Peak, Sacred Muria Fortress, Mount Muria, Central Java, Indonesia

"Has any of you found out anything about these so-called "Impostors"?

The well-known plump General asked in a voice loud enough to echo inside the meeting room. However, the only reply to his enraged question was nothing but silence.

"Nothing? NOTHING?" The plump General, General Agung Guntur, glared at his subordinates. "INCOMPETENT BASTARDS! That Wijaya is already taking action. And what can we do? Just blankly gawk at them?!"

The problem about the so-called "Impostors," also called [Face Wearers] by some, was already well known within the entirety of the fortress. Worse, even the mysterious happenings regarding the witnesses got leaked to the public.