
An Encounter at the Burnt Fields, The Second Day of the Journey to Bali

Day 366 - 6:05 PM - Campsite, Larikrejo, Undaan, Kudus Regency, West Java, Indonesia

Dr. Willis Reagan. It was the name of a biology genius with a rather quirky personality. Yes, he was the crazy scientist who now caught up to the isolated group. Willis' name sure did not sound like a local's. It was because, although his mother was a pure Indonesian, his father was not. His father was an American biologist. He came to Indonesia to study its ecosystem. And Willis followed the steps of his late father.

"Why are you here? How did you even get to us?" General Wijaya could not help but ask as he stared at Dr. Willis and his companion. "There's only two of you?"

"Hmm???" Dr. Willis turned his head to his companion and then made exaggerated gestures as if he were looking for something. "Me... this guy... Hmmm... I don't see anyone else. How many do you want us to be?"