Known Species In Alvon *Could Be Spoiler*

[ Cybertronian Kingdom ] -

> Transformers(Aka. Cybertronians)

[ Dwarven Kingdom ] -

> Dwarves(Warrior/Blacksmith)

> Mechinas(Tankers/Warrior)

> Gnomes(Rogues/Gunsmen)

[ Elven Kingdom ] -

> Wood Elves(Archer/Rogue)

> Dark Elves(Assassin)

> High Elves(Mages)

[ Beastfolk Kingdom ] -

> Mermaids(Supporters)

> Werewolf(Warrior/Rogue)

> Arachnids(Assassin/Rogue)

> Harpy(Air Strikers)

> Lamia(Archers/Assassins)

> Centaurs(Rider/Warrior)

[ Undead Kingdom ] -

> Lich(Necromancer)

> Skeleton(Soldier/Variety)

> Ghoul(Warrior)

> Mummies(Mage/Necromancer)

> Vampire(Warrior/Mage)

> Anubis(Guardian/Knight)

> Wraiths(Mage)

[ Demon Kingdom ] -

> Ogre(Warrior/Warlock)

> Orc(Warrior/Tank)

> Goblin(Rogue/Variety)

> Minotaur(Warrior/Shaman)

> Imps(Mages)

> Chimera(Variety)

> Kobolds(Strong/Powerful Workers)

[ Spirit Kingdom ] -

> Wind Spirits(Archers/Mages)

> Water Spirits(Support/Mage)

> Fire Spirits(Warrior/Mage)

> Earth Spirits(Tanker/Mage)

> Lightning Spirit(Rogue/Mage)

> Dark Spirit(Assassin/Mage)

> Light Spirit(Mage/Healer)

> Ice Spirit(Mage/Support)

[ Tribal Kingdom ] -

> Baricadians(Humans but physically stronger, but weaker magic related things)

> Dire Wolves(Mounts)

[ Human Kingdom ] -

> Humans(Can do Variety of Things)