Family planning II

"But you don't know me".

"There's a halo on your head that spells out GRANNY JACOB'S GRANDSON-IN-LAW"

Quincy felt that this encounter was unbelievable. He calmed down and led granny Jacob to the nearest cafe to talk.

After seeing granny Jacob off, Quincy laughed as he recalled his earlier encounter.

"Granny was so lovely. How could she give off her granddaughter that way? I'm sorry Ms. Seraphina. You're pretty, but..."

"But what?"

Quincy heard a voice next to him say. He looked to his side, and to his surprise, he saw Seraphina Jacob.

(Switching to Quincy's POV)

"You are Seraphina Jacob"

"How do you know?" Seraphina asked with her left eyebrow raised and her nose crinkled. She looked so beautiful. The picture granny showed me did not do justice to how beautiful she was at this moment. In the words of KanyeInterruptedMe, "my imagination was a stick figure, but in reality, she was a Picasso."

"Why do you think my soliloquy was about you?" I retorted as I copied her eyebrow action.

"I was walking past and I heard my name. Seraphina really isn't a common name, so I just asked." She pouted and looked straight into my eyes and sucked in my soul.

"Granny Jacob just gave you to me. You're mine", I said shamelessly with a smirk. I blinked my eyes twice and Seraphina was out of sight. I looked around and saw her bolting off faster than Usain Bolt. I couldn't help but smile at my shamelessness. One minute, I was about to put the encounter with Granny Jacob far away in my mind, the next minute, I put a stamp on my future wife.

"You have nowhere to run darling. You are mine", I said as I walked back to the store to pick out my best friend's tie.