Getting to know each other better II

"How did you meet my granny?" Seraphina asked as she took a bite of her chick-fil-a Cobb salad. This guy was like a bug in her tummy. How did he know she liked Cobb salad?

Quincy recalled everything that went down on that fateful day: stick granny, him having a halo of her future grandson-in-law, and a picture of her.

She almost chocked on a piece of chicken in her mouth. Sure enough, no one was more shameless than her granny.

"Since my granny approves of you, hit me with your best shot. Who are you Quincy Davis?"

She summoned all the courage in her to ask him. Although she was a lover of beautiful-looking older men, she always had a wish deep down to have one partner for eternity. She liked Quincy, but she wasn't going rush into something she wasn't sure about because he met all her requirements.

He looked at her, and smiled approvingly. He liked her, but they still needed to know if it was worth investing their time and feelings in. While Quincy was munching on his salad, he couldn't help but think 'what does she think about me? Am I a pass or a fail'.

"I own an IT company that collaborates with various companies to help design their logos and promotion materials. We also develop different softwares for them to use. I'm a computer geek".

"I have a younger sister. She's Queen and 15. Let's just say my parents have a 'fruitful' relationship", Quincy said which made Seraphina laugh along with him. She knew all about 'fruitful' relationships alright! Thank you Claudia, Flora, and granny.

"I can cook, do laundry, lean the house, wash the car, fix the lights, and a lot more." He really was putting himself out there. Even though his best selling point was his appearance, he knew he needed more to woo Seraphina.

All that Seraphina could think of right at that moment was shirtless Quincy covered in sweat as he hammered down on a wooden table to fix it. She grabbed her frosted lemonade and took a long sip to sooth her 'thirsty' mouth.

"Your turn my lady", Quincy said as he blushed from the way she stared unwaveringly at him.

"I'm an only child. My parents also have a 'fruitful relationship' but they don't want more kids"

"I'm in graduate school", she filled him in on her research work.

"Let's do trivia", he suggested.

By the time lunch was over, they knew each other better.

Quincy: likes blue, a sucker for strong scented perfumes, very athletic, geek, workaholic, CEO, doting brother, and filial son.

Seraphina: likes purple, a sucker for chicken and icecream, science geek, school-aholic, somewhat filial daughter, and bad chef.

"I like you. What do you think about me?", Quincy asked while secretly reciting the Lord's prayer in his mind with his fingers crossed beneath the table.