Baby blabber V

Al and Ady's conversation...

Ady: And I thought there was competition

Al: There is

Ady: Do you think dad knows?

Al: Seeing how he keeps mumbling to us, I don't think so

Ady: Poor daddy

Al: Stupid daddy

Ady: What exactly is Amy doing?

Al: She has a weakness against fine creatures

Ady & Al: Dad is better!

Ady: What's a cougar?

Al: Great J

"I see you dressed better," he smiled as he scanned her outfit.

"I couldn't look shabby meeting you."

Her mentor was so peculiar about dressing up. He was more fashionable that most women out there. He had a great sense of style, and Seraphina had suffered endless fashion criticism throughout her time by his side.

"I bet Quincy influences you." He walked next to Quincy and smacked his butt.

Quincy jumped, not expecting the hit. He looked at Gavin questionably but still with a hint of disapproval.

"This woman-stealing man," he thought harshly.

Gavin winked at the flustered Quincy before handing Amy back to him.

"Nice butt you have there," he whispered before making his way to the dining area.

Seraphina walked to her husband and laughed at him.

"I forgot to tell you, Gavin likes men."

Quincy was left stunned. Even his daughter laughed at him.

Amy: That uncle was wearing aunt Flora's perfume.

Throughout Gavin's stay with the family, Quincy lost count of how many times his behind was smacked. It was truly a tiring day.