Her grandfather

Her mother's family was not from 'A' city.

Her grandfather was an influential politicians in 'B' city.And also had a very large business managed by her maternal uncle.

Eventhough her Maternal grandfather was influential figure in society,but he was not very fond of her and her younger sister,because they were girls.

At least he was the first person who was not biased like her parents.

But Everything changed when she went her cousin's birthday party.He was elder son of her uncle,and completed his twenty years that day.

She went to meet her grandfather with her family which was probably fourth meeting between grandfather and granddaughter in these thirteen years.

When her grandfather saw her he was shocked.He smiled first time at her.

She was confused and got Goosebumps after seeing his smile. Even her parents were shocked then how could she not.

She got her answer after five minutes when her grandfather took her to his study, to show her a portrait, abandoning everyone in hall.

That portrait was of a middle aged woman,who was in her last forties.

Her grandfather told her that woman in portrait was her grandmother.

And surprising thing was that she herself was looking just like her grandmother.

Her mother had some features which resembled her grandmother, but she was a younger version of her grandmother.

She was looking at her grandmother's portrait with awe,when she heard her grandfather's voice.

"Your parents did one good thing to give birth you." he got emotional.After his wife's death ,it was the first time he was this happy.

In birthday events,all the time he didn't leave her hand,and introduced her to everyone ....which he rarely done even with his own son and grandchildren.