Room 2 – 4E

I walked towards the next door and stopped as I looked silently with mixed feeling at the bold words at the door. 2 – 4E, It means 2nd year, 4th floor class E. It was just one of the many classes for 2nd years.

The academy was really big, it is divided by 3 Division: the elementary division, the junior or middle division and lastly the high school division. For the high school division, there are 3 building. The 1st building was the main and where the 1st year students are located. The 2nd building or what was know as the Left Wing was the building that I am currently in and where the 2nd years are located. Lastly, the 3rd building or Right Wing was were the 3rd year seniors are located. Connecting the main building and the others was the center garden in the middle.

As I reached my hands to open the door, I hesitated. I have already prepared myself of the possible things that I will see beyond the closed door however I was still scared and restless.

Beyond this door was my classroom. Most of my classmates were those I have been with since my first year and even some where my friends since middle school. I was unable to calm myself when I imagine the possibility of what might have happened to them from the chaos.

From how the other previous classrooms looked like when I checked them ,I can't help but feel very uncomfortable.

For a moment I thought of not going in the room to spare myself of the grief of seeing any of those familiar face dead, but I immediately threw this thought when I remembered that I have to get my phone in order to get in touch with my family.

'Come on Fei! You can do it! Ah! ' I scolded myself.

After a moment more of hesitation, I gritted my teeth and decided to go into the room. Before I tried to open the door, I first peek inside the room from the glass panel which allows anyone to see inside the classroom. On each door of all classrooms there is a glass panel which helps in monitoring the class inside.

Unfortunately, since both door was closed the visibility was low because of the lack of light. It also did not help that the curtain in the room was drawn so light that can pass through was very little, not enough to give a good visibility inside the room.

'Why is it so dark inside?' I was confused at this but brushed the thoughts aside and thought for a while before I slowly listen to check if there are any sound of movement inside however it was completely quiet just like the whole place.

Discovering that there was no movement inside, my courage increased so I reach my hand to open the door.

I decided to open the door as slowly as I can to make sure not to alert any creature that might be inside the room. I was still cautious because I was not entirely sure that there was nothing inside despite not hearing anything.

'Eh?' I can't help but exclaim when the door did not open. Confused, I tried to open it again.

"Is it locked?" I whispered as I tried one more time with more force. However I was still unable to open the door.

I paused for a moment before I went to try the other door. However It was also locked. With a knitted brows I peeked at the glass panel but to my surprise I saw something blocking my vision. It seems like I was seeing a part of a chair.

'Could they have blocked the door with pile of chairs?' I became excited with this thought. If that was the case, there was a high possibility that my classmates are alive. With excitement and hope I paused and thought.

"Aya?" I softly called out. "It me Fei... are you there?"

My soft voice was like a ripple in a quite and still pond. It was specially loud in this eerily quite place.

I waited for someone to answer but I was disappointed when I heard no sounds from inside. I tried a few more times but it was also futile since there was still no response.

"Anyone inside?"


'Did they leave?' I thought, if there was anyone of my classmates were in the room they will surely answer.

Looking at the situation, they seemed to have barricaded both doors.

'Did they... go through the window, Ah!?'

I was unable to see more because the glass panel on the door was to small to check more details I was able to deduce some possible scenario.

As I thought about them using the window to leave the room I was greatly shocked so I hurriedly went back to the room where I meet the kid. In consideration of the sleeping child and to avoid catching unwanted attention, I soundlessly went back despite the urgency to conform my thoughts.

As I opened the window nearest to the window beside my classroom, I was met by the cold wind which made me shiver. I unconsciously looked at the view in front of me.

It was the same as what I saw at the infirmary. Scattered on the vast garden where students usually stay to enjoy their past time were numerous undead creatures.

Gloominess again took over my mood. Shaking my head, I tried to remove the gloomy thoughts on my mind.

Going back on track, I tried to look out from the window and check the other side. Unfortunately, I was unable to see anything. It seems like I have to stuck my body out of the window to see it properly.

Good thing that I was not that scared of heights.

'Heights... Kara...' I suddenly remembered Kara, one of my good friend and a classmate who was afraid of heights.

Balancing my body on the windowsill I tried again.

"They really used the window! Ah!"I exclaimed as I saw a dangling curtain from the inside of the room going all the way down. It seems to have stopped at the window on the 3rd floor.

I was stumped at this thought. How were they able to use the curtain. More importantly, where did the curtain come from? When I checked the room from the glass panel, I noticed that the room was dark because the curtains where still present. It seems like they did not use our classroom curtains.

As questions whirl in my head, I noticed there was a gap at the edge of the building. It was enough to allow someone to walk from this window to the other.


I can't help but laugh at the sudden thought that crossed my mind and unconsciously stepped back from the window.

Unbelievable, how could I ever thought of doing something like that. However the voice in my head seemed to whisper of what i have to do. On the other hand I can't help but think the impossibly of doing it, not only was it dangerous but something that seemed hopeless.

It took me a some time of indecision before I walked towards the nearest chair and slowly and quietly brought it besides the window. With effort I climbed on the window.

Thought I'm not scared of heights, I can't help but gulp as I look down. That's right! I plan to walk on the concrete gap outside the window to go the the other room.


I can't help but cry internally as I walked. My back touching the cold wall was a comforting sensation for me because it clears my mind especially I was concentrating not to look down but straight ahead.

'Its too cold! Ah!' , wearing a short skirt was not helping my situation as well.

Time seems to slow down as I cross to the other side. Fortunately, I was able to safely arrived my destination.

Holding the windowsill of the room, I peeked inside before I went in. With a relief sigh I felt that my beating heart settled down as my feet touched the floor inside the room, however I still did not let my guard down as I looked around the room with narrowed eyes.

After I guaranteed that there seems to be no abnormality, I walked silently towards the door and turned on the light for the room. As Light flooded the whole room, I was able to clearly see the detail which I was unable to see awhile ago.

Relief and disappointment, this was what I felt as I looked at the scene in front of me. Relief because I did not see any corpse of any of my classmates despite the disordered room. Disappointment because there was no one I know. They really all left the classroom.

My mind wondered as I thought about how the others where. For them to leave the room which seems to be very safe and venture outside where there were many zombies was really puzzling.

Sighing, I pulled my thoughts back and started to look around for my bag.

Almost all of the chairs were used to barricade both doors. So only few chairs were scattered around the room. Bags, books and many things were also littered around making that whole room in a chaotic state.

As I was looking for my bag, I noticed most of the things left were things that are not needed. All the bags were empty or only had books or notes left. They might have taken everything that can help them when they left the classroom.

' I hope they did not take anything on my bag.' I thought. I do have some snacks in my bag.

It took me awhile to finally find my bag. Unfortunately, it seems like it was not spared by the others as well. All the snacks was taken, they also emptied my bag just to be sure they took everything they can use.

Thought I was unhappy, I did understand why they did it. I just really hope they did not take my phone with them.

After checking my bag for a while, I helplessly slump down the floor.

' They really didn't leave my phone!' I cried. They might not be able to use the phone because I have it password protected but they still can use the battery on it. Besides, Aya my best friend and classmate knows my phone password so they can still use it.

The last option for me to contact my family disappeared. Thought I can try looking for other phones from the bags that was left from the other classrooms, there was no guarantee that I will be able to use it since most students have password locks on their phone. So what use it is to look for other phones if I can't use it? Even if there is 1% chance of being able to use any of the phones it was not realistic to look each classrooms and try my luck.

Faculty room. This got me to see another option.

This was another place I can go to. Since there was low probability of using any of the student's phones then using the land-line phones at the teachers faculty room was another possible way.

I excitedly thought of my plans again.

Since I was unable to get anything here, after going to the library to look for grandpa we'll have to stay with the kid at the other room until the next day before going to the faculty room. Night was fast approaching I was not comfortable moving about during the night.


The sudden sound made me froze on the spot.

It sounded like something knocking on a wooden surface. I suddenly had a chill ran throughout my body. Biting my lips, I slowed my breathing as I tried not to move. I looked around the room as I strained my ears to listen to the sound.

'Where is it coming from? Ah!'

It took me a while to locate where the sound was coming from. Thought it was not that loud, it was enough to get my attention. The sound was actually not far from my location.

'The cleaning cabinet?'

I was shocked as I realized it was coming from the cleaning cabinet. It was located at the back part of the room where I was not very far from. Most of the cleaning tools were kept in this cabinet. It was not that big and definitely not even enough for one person to fit.

With a frown, I went towards the cabinet carefully.

The sound already stopped however I was already very sure that the it was coming from the cabinet. Thought hesitant and wary of what caused the sound, I still went and slowly opened the cabinet.

What happened next was something I won't forget even if I want to. The shock was really big that it froze me for a few minuets.

A human, a person was tied inside the cabinet. He was blindfolded, both feet and hands tied so tightly that I can see that his hands where already bleeding. My previous thought was thrown out with the sight of this person stuffed inside a very small cleaning cabinet.

I can even see mark on his white cheeks. It seems he was roughed up by someone. There were big red blotches on his right cheek and throat.

He had either fainted or he was knocked out. I can also see how unstable his breathing was. For someone to be locked inside the cabinet were air was thin will definitely kill anyone.

'Who could have done this?'

To treat someone like this was like trying to kill someone slowly. I shivered at the thought that a human, possibly a classmate did this.

What was the world becoming?