The Call

Dale Vlashawn, he was not unknown but also not popular. I can't say that we were close friends but we definitely do get along just fine.

He was the quite type, he was alone most of the time. He did not have a strong presence which make others forget him. So, it might have been because of his uniqueness that I approach him to talk from time to time.

Thought he was different, he definitely has a good mind. He was always within the top 5 of the class. Never losing a spot. However something happened months ago that change him to become more closed and isolated.

It was around 3 months ago when an incident happen between Dale and Lear Rondel. I'm not really sure of the exact issue since both parties did not say anything, however Lear started to bully Dale every moment he can.

I tried to help but it seemed to just make Dale avoid me more and my friends didn't want me to be involved to this issue. I was depressed for a while because I was unable to help him and he also avoided me. Fortunately, class representative has noticed the increase of unacceptable actions of Lear and his friends so he reported this to our teacher.

Thought because of the report, Lear and the others where so angry with Dale and it escalated to them surrounding and beating him up after school. This caused Dale to be out of school for about a week and Lear with his friends were suspended for 1 month.

After this incident, I tried to speak with Dale a few times after he came back from school but he became for more closed up and it even became a problem for anyone to talk to him. This made many of my classmates stay clear from him. Totally isolating him from class.

On the other hand, Lear and his friends came back from suspension just this week. From their actions, they stopped bullying Dale but started to ignore him.

It hurts to see how he became a loner however I gradually got used to it.

Thought I have once felt frustrated even angry for ignoring me. I still hoped to become friends with him again.

Who would have known that he will be the first person I will meet from my classmates? I felt happy to see him but also felt complicated since he was so different, especially when I remember how savage and vicious he was when he nearly strangled me to death.

"How are you doing?" I can't help but start the conversation awkwardly. I can't help but be embarrassed with how I acted awhile ago.

But you can't blame me! Ah!How should I know that this handsome guy was hiding behind his magical eyeglasses?

Aside from feeling awkward and embarrassed, I also feel depressed because I just learned that I really know too little about him. I thought I was the closest and the one who knows the most about him but it seems I was too conceited.

"I'm hungry..."

His causal answer pulled me out from my depression. I can't help but smile from his reply. It might have been the knowledge of his identity but I started to feel much better around him, totally lowering my guard against him.

Reaching for the chocolate in my pocket, "Don't be picky. This is all I have." I said.

I smiled besides myself when I saw him accept the chocolate I gave. It has been a long time since I was able to speak and interact with him. Somehow it made me happy and sad at the same time.

" Can you tell me..." I started but seemed to be unable to continue what I wanted to say. I stopped but I somehow knew that he knows what I was asking about.

"Doesn't matter..." He said curtly, cutting me off. The temperature seemed to drop few degrees and silence suddenly came after. I felt awkward and didn't know what to say next. It seems like it's not a good idea to ask more about what happened to him.

"Um... It seems that everyone already left." I said after a long while as I found another topic to speak with him.

" They decided to leave the school after chaos died down." He slowly explained what happened after I left for the infirmary.

From his explanation, about 30 minuets after I left when they heard commotions from the lower floors. It was good thing that it was teacher Grace who was with the class at that time. She was able to calm everyone and got all my classmates lock and barricade the doors and made everyone huddle together. They were able to keep quite and safe for a while until the chaos from the school died down.

However it did not take long before many of the anxious students wanted to leave the school and look for their families. With no choice, their teacher became the leader and decided to help the students leave the school as a group.

During that time there were still a lot of zombies lurking at their floor and decided to use the method of curtain rope to go down the 3rd floor. They decided to get the curtains from the other room instead of our own because some said that in case of accident they can go back to this classroom as last resort. Having the curtains in the room will help to cover anyone hiding in the room with darkness.

It was good to know that a least everyone was alright when the chaos first happened. However I still can't believe that no one even thought of Dale when they left. I was really itching to ask him but was prevented by his sharp glare that seems to know what I have been thinking.

With an awkward smile I decided to drop my curiosity. I let out a deep breath before I decided to ask the most crucial question that flashed in my head.

"What's your next plan?"

Instead of answering me, he just looked at me and I stared back for a minute before I got uncomfortable.

"What?" I asked, feeling weird all of a sudden.

"What's your next plan?" He threw out my own question back at me with an emphasis on the word 'your' when he spoke.

I was getting a really weird feeling however I was unable to understand it so I just decided to brush it aside for now.

"I originally planned to check my phone …..." I was about to explain when I was suddenly struck by an idea. " Eh, Dale did you bring your phone with you?"

He gave me a look then seemed to think of something before he stood up slowly as he looked around the room for his bag.

I hurriedly stood up as well as I wanted to help him find his bag. It took us about 10 minuets to find it.

I nearly cried from happiness when he found his phone. Before I can stop myself I snatched the phone from his hand and excitedly look at it like I was looking at a treasure.

I was too happy that I didn't notice how his lips twitched when I snatched the phone from him. It took me a while before I came back to my senses and embarrassingly gave to him his phone back.

His brow went up as he looked at the phone I gave him. "Aren't you going to use it?"

*Ahem* "Can you please unlock it?"

I felt so embarrassed that I wanted to find a hole and jump down, however I decided to thicken my face as I ask him to unlock the phone.

He sighed deeply and took the phone and later gave It back after he unlocked it. Afterwards he walked towards the other discarded bags and seemed to scavenge anything useful from the pile.

"Thank you..." I weakly said. I'm not really sure if he heard but I excitedly dialed the number of my father.

I was so excited as the call seemed to connect. Thank god it is still working! Waiting for the person on the other line to pick up was really torturous.

"Hello!" A deep voice answered at the other line. "Fei, is that you?!"

I can hear deep worry and anxiety from the familiar voice. "Dad!" I can't help but suddenly feel all the worry, fear and anxiety I have been hiding suddenly disperse like a bubble all that was left was warmth that can't help but make me cry unconsciously.

Since I can remember it was always been me and my father. My mother died during my birth and it was my father that brought me up. He was not only my beloved father, he was also my personal superhero and close friend.

"Fei, Fei are you all right? Where are you now?"

"En..."Emotionally flooded, I can't answer clearly but just make a sound to let him know I was fine.

"Listen to me carefully Fei, Right now..." His voice was interrupted suddenly by a strong background sound of gunshot and there were other loud sounds as well. I started to get worried for my father's situation. It seems like his situation was much worst than us.

"Dad! Dad? Are you alright?! Hello?"

"Fei, Don't leave the school. It's dangerous here now. Do your best to find a place to hide in your school. Do you understand me?" Because of the sound in the background, my dad had to shout for me to hear him. "I promise to go there and get you. Do you understand?"

Biting my lips, I wanted to refute his order but decided to agree. Thinking carefully, It was indeed better for me to wait for him instead of running around which might cause us to miss each other.

"En, I'll wait for you. Please be careful. I love you."

" I love you too."

We only spoke for a while before our connection ended. Many complicated emotions was suffocation me.

Happy because he was still fine, anxious because of his situation and also fear. I believe my father however I can't help but feel fear of the possibility of him being in danger. For me, my father was like my pillar. The pillar that had been with me for 15 years. Since my mother was separated with her family in bad terms after marrying my father, I was never in contact with my mother's family. My father is an orphan and did not have any relative. He was my one and only family.

It took me all my will power not to call him back again.

I promise to go there and get you. This sentence was really powerful that it has been imprinted in my mind. Despite all the negative emotions I have been feeling, I can't deny that being able to speak with my father gave me a boost of courage.

'I have to survive' I repeatedly said to myself like a mantra.

Renewing my determination to survive, I awkwardly handed the phone over to Dale. "Thank you. I... Can I brow it again later?"

"En." He answered so simply and put the phone back in his pocket.


"From your conversation you will be waiting here? What's your next plan?"

"Aren't you going to call your family?" Ignoring his question, I can't help but ask my question as I blankly look at him. I have been embarrassed since I shamelessly caught his phone to call my father even before he can call his own family so I was shocked when he didn't call anyone and instead directly ask me my next plan.

"I don't have any 'family'." He coldly said. "It would be even better if they are dead." He added with a smile that made my hairs stand and swallow my other question back.


Thought I was curious, I knew when to stop.