Toys R Us

I immediately flicked the unreasonable woman on the head. Hard. Despite having gone through this several times already in the past she still fell prey and ended up slightly knocked back, glaring at me the moment she recovered.

I sent her my own, and let me tell you it was a helluva lot colder.

"Woman, I'm a goddamn genius overpowered xianxia harem isekai comedy protagonist. I wake up in the morning and piss excellence. I recreate the secret techniques of ancient Royal families through nothing but sheer spunk. I don't need to go out and fuck every random woman on the street just to get stronger. I can probably bullshit my way to eventually become the goddamn immortal god-emperor for life of this whole fucking universe if I wanted to--though who the hell would want that anyway?--so don't you go telling me to cheat on you for such a crappy reason. Have faith in my god-tier plot fortress, okay?"

This girl is too much of the self-sacrificing type. If you don't put her in her place she'll go martying herself for you all willy-nilly without a second thought. Nah, big bro don't condone that shit.

"Acting like telling me to go do that isn't tearing you up inside, hmph. You really thought I'm that insensitive? No way would I agree to that." I scoffed.

Vera snapped at me. "What do my feelings matter when you're being hunted by Angels and Goddesses? Worry about yourself first before others!" Her eyes shone brightly. I thought I spotted the faint glimmer of unshed tears. "Why do you always have to talk nonsense? Why can't you just take things seriously? I hate when you do that. Don't you get it? What am I going to do if you get caught by them? I'd never see you again. Never. Is that what you want? If it's not, then focus! I told you, I don't care what you have to do. Just stop saying all these nonsensical lines and put in a little effort to stay with me."

I nodded. "I'm obviously gonna do my best there. But in my own way. Cheating on you just isn��t gonna be my first choice."

She turned her back to me. "I swear, you're always so unreasonable! I want to just hit you."

"How about a rough kiss instead?"

"Quiet! I'm mad at you."

" ...For wanting to be faithful to you?" I felt my lips twitch.

"If you really loved me, you'd cheat for me."

I really don't know what's wrong with this chick! She obviously hates it, but still wants me to stick my dick in every Jane, Daisy and Hannah I see. I have other options first, okay?

For example, all the constant notifications I keep getting.

[Origin points obtained (satisfaction) (joy): 0.5 (Nahria)]

[Origin points obtained (satisfaction) (joy): 0.5 (Sahriel)]

[Origin points obtained (satisfaction) (joy): 0.5 (Grey)]

[Origin points obtained (satisfaction) (joy): 0.5 (Melissa)]

[Origin points..]


[You have obtained enough points to unlock the Origin Store]

I didn't yet read into what these points are, but I'm not brain dead so I could guess what they're used for. Weird though, what kinda system is this exactly? Certainly don't look like a game system.

As for why I'm receiving points, I assume I'm getting these because of my clone. He must be working hard. Good boy. I'll have to check out this Origin Store later on, see if it's worthwhile.

]"You're so impatient. "

"And you're too lax. Do you think you have the time to slowly build strength?"

"I mean probably."

"Probably isn't good enough for me."

"Alright, fine. Fuck 'em with me then." I proposed.

"...What? What?" She repeated, clearly at a loss. She pulled at her ear, unsure as to if she heard me right.

"If you have sex with these women with me, I'd do it."

"You can't be serious."

"We're a couple. We should do this stuff together, otherwise it aint right."

"Are you legitimately insane?" She blinked at me, eyes wide with wonder.

"I mean yeah. Totally."

"Ah…" She realized the truth of the matter and sighed.


Vera's face slowly turned red. "I don't think I, I definitely...."

"What, is it embarrassing?"

"Obviously! Such a stupid question." She looked like she wanted to bite my head off.

Feeling smug at my little plan working, I was just about to gloat about how her idea was equally ridiculous and so she shouldn't be asking me for something so unreasonable herself, when, wouldn't you know it, the woman continued.

"But if that's the only way you'd agree….okay."


She brought a finger to her lips and bit down before going on, seeming to gather her courage. "It's not right for me to ask something so unreasonable, I know that. I don't want it to seem like I'm not also willing to go through hardships for you. I'm asking you to do something you don't want. I should share your burden, too. We're a couple, right? So...we should do this together. Isn't it just a little bit of embarrassment? I told you this is the fastest way. If it means you'll go through with it, I can handle feeling a little shame."

I wanted to cry. Vera's being too good for all the right reasons but in all the wrong ways! I really didn't think she'd turn this around on me.

I then noticed Cory rushing back, followed closely by Helena.

"Let's talk about this later." I had no intentions to ever talk about this again.

Vera nodded, also sensing the girl's approach. But I don't know, something about the way she was looking at Helena just then made me uneasy.

"Actually…" Vera started off slowly, continuing her measuring stare, "I think perhaps you won't have to become a he-slut after all, Young Master. Now that I think of it, quality is best after all."

"Please don't tell me you're thinking of--"

"Do you think she's a virgin?"

"I don't give a single flying fu--"

"Hubby, here. I wrote down everything. Do you want my help learning it? I can direct the energy down the correct pathways until you get a hang of it!" Cory was a bundle of giddyness. She held up a piece of paper with an intricate drawing on it, happily presenting me with her family's precious secret cultivation method.

"Young Miss...please…" Helena continued to fuss. She was being reduced to a nanny, wasn't she? Sad.

I released Dolly's ears and took the paper. The drawing was of a man and seemed like something you'd see out of a medical book. It displayed pathways along the body's arms, legs and chest.

"Those are the pathways you have to cycle worldly energy into. When you begin, the core inside you will take it's place in your Heart's Palace and turn the worldly energy into Phoenix energy, then you can refine that into Phoenix essense and direct it towards your dantian. It's your first time, so let me help you later, okay? You have to let me help!" The girl's dark, purple-hued hair shook as she got all up in my face and made her declaration.

"Alright." I answered. I think I probably would need a bit of coaching anyway. Though I honestly felt maybe this kid had a few ulterior motives. No, she definitely did. I could smell the yandere in her.

It smelled like boysenberry, surprisingly enough.

"Well, I've been gone for a while so I want to rest up. You should be good without me for a while longer, right?" I asked the girl.

She immediately punched herself in the gut and spat out blood. "I weaken every second we part...I don't think I could last even a minute."

"Cool, so you're okay then. I'm going on a trip soon so after I settle things I'll come pick you up. Dolly, let's play tomorrow, 'kay?"

"Really? We will?"

"Sure. We'll go pick up Alex too."

"Who?...oh!" Dolly had a sudden realization. "Alex! Where'd he go? He should've been here a long time ago, Day!"

I know. It was weird, that's why I wanted to go see him. ALso to check out my Kingdom's development. Bubbles mentioned something that was worrying, I remember. Something about how the survivors of Llyr's attack went to my Kingdom for asylum since I was married to their Goddess. I.e Bubbles. I had to see what was going on.

But later. For now…

"Vee, come with me. I have some pleasant surprises for you."


Ten minutes later and I'd brought both Mary and Vera into my room back home.

FIrst thing I did was bring them in for a kiss. One in each arm, as is the only proper way of doing it. Caught by surprise the two trees could only allow my quick but fervent signs of affection.

"Young Master, what are you….?" Mary's brows knit together.

" I'm gonna be leaving soon so I've got to spend this time wisely." I explained. "As such, I'm going to drown myself in you two as much as I can right now."

Vera pushed my face away. "This is hardly the time to be thinking about that kind of stuff!" She chastised.

"You have your priorities, I have mine." I grinned wildly. "Besides, I have to make up for breaking my promise."

"What promise?" Vera teleported away and reappeared by the bed. Mary, after a moment, seemed like had decided to do the same.

"Oh no you don't." I tightened my grip on her waist. "Stay. You're the one I have to make up to the most."

The woman looked from me to Vera and back again. She must've been wondering whether she should stay or go. Tentaively she chose to remain in my embrace, asking, "What in the world are you talking about, you have to make up to me?"

"You don't remember my promise of morning and nightly kisses?"

Understanding dawned. "Ah...that. Yes, I do vaguely recall you saying something to that effect."

"Because of my enthusiasm I just up and left without seeing to my duties. I have to fix my mistakes, don't I?"

"I don't require that of you."

"I want to. Let me."

"Do I have the option to refuse?"

"Not really, no."

"As expected." She tsked. "Very well, do as you please." Gaining her permission, I wasted no time in claiming those pretty red lips.

"...Can you guys not? I'm right here." Vera folded her arms. "Have some shred of decency, will you?"

"Don't worry. We aren't leaving you out, my precious little tree. Didn't I say I had some surprises?" Chuckling to myself, I produced a large leather pouch. Stepping away from Mary for a second, I walked to the bed and sat the leather roll down, unfurling it for the two to see.

They examined the contents curiously,

Mary took the initiative to take one of the objects from the leather pouch and held it up for me. "What's this for?" She asked.

In her hands was a short, oddly shaped piece of solid wood that was wide in the middle and tapered down to a soft tip, a wide notch in the back.

"Let me show you." I took the object from her and gently spun her around, bending her forward.

She instantly went stiff. "Young Master, what are you going to do?" I could hear the apprehension in her voice.

Somehow, though, there was also a faint hint of anticipation. I instinctively felt a sort of energy well up in her, unsure of what it was but knowing it waited for me to take further action.

"Something fun." I assured her. I took some oil from the pouch, applied it to the item in my hand, and knelt down to level my eyes with her tight, rounded bottom. I then started lifting her uniform.

"Wait, Vera--" Mary protested softly.

"It's alright. She's next anyway."

WIthout further preamble I began pushing aside her black lace panties and slowly inserted the object into her rectum. Mary visibly quivered,

"This is...Young Master, what is this thing? It's strange!" I could now hear her panic. But the strange energy I sensed in her only grew more vibrant.

[Origin points obtained (lust) (joy): 1 (Mary)]

I planted another kiss on her, one over her left cheek, and rose to my feet.

As you may have guessed….it was a buttplug.

I gave a wary Vera a level stare. "Would you like to try the anal beads first, or the clitoral vibrator?"

That's right, bitches. I made some fuckin' sex toys!