Well…This Wasn’t Part Of The Plan (pt. 2)

Author: Sorry this took so long. Another chapter is coming tomorrow. But anyway, it's poll time. This is important so if you see this chapter anywhere else, follow the link to SH and vote.


We're gonna decide what kinda planet Day is gonna get sent to first. And once that starts, i'll begin releasing chapters more regularly. My wound is fully healed, i;m in quarantine again and im ready to write! 


Here, go check this out. And DO NOT forget to CLICK THE LIKE BUTTON



Damien left the palace, and the Kingdom, without another word. Another brother lost. At least for now. Well, he'll apologize later. Maybe Alex would be found safe and sound by the time he got back. Surely after it's revealed the boy wanted to kill him the King would be more forgiving. Maybe even punish the kid. Yeah. It'll all work out. 


Damien ignored reality and made his way home. Together with Vera, he teleported back. The reconstruction of the spawn points was going well and there hadn't been any new intruders. Damien did as he promised and looked for Dolly to play. He left the nun...uh, what was her name?...Well, she was going to be his pack mule anyway so let's just call her Lydia 2.0…to Vera and her mother's care before leaving. Of course Minerva stayed behind too. She'd actually had gotten pretty close to Vera's pet...wait, what was the thing's name, too? ...Fuck it, he's Greg now. Anyway, she and Greg had hit it off at some point, much to Vera's annoyance. 


Damien mention's that little fact because as soon as the girl got home the animal had run into her arms. Vera, thinking it was running to her, stretched her own hands out only to be slapped in the face. Metaphorically speaking. It was cute seeing her face after the incident. Really cute. The pout...oh man. The pout was gold. It was hard to see, but Damien and Mary certainly noticed. The two couldn't resist pinching her cheeks at that moment. 


Ahem. But that aside Dolly was ecstatic at his arrival and took him all over the city. Which is how he discovered the state of the reconstruction. But it was only a few minutes into the fun that something went wrong.


"Day, what're those guys doing…?" Dolly pointed. 


He turned his head. "What the--Hey!" There was a couple having sex in the middle of the road. Players, of course. 


"Motherfuckers, get out of here?"

The man stopped thrusting only to look back curiously at Damien. "Huh? Is he an NPC? No, a Player?"


"His name is weird…." The girl squinted. "Wait. No way, that's Damien Claybrook! Oh my god, get out of me, hurry!"


Ugh. Not another goddamn Damien groupie.


"What? Why? We were--"

"Screw off! A chance like this is as rare as phoenix feathers and unicorn horns! I've wanted a piece of him since I first saw him, so move!"


Dolly frowned. "I think this is a bad woman, Day. I don't know how I know, but I know! Let's smite her!"


Okay, damn. Dolly has a bit of bloodlust now. Should he be concerned? Yes. But she was right.


"And they're dead." He nodded a moment before kicking them both into the wall nearest them, where they exploded into particles of light.


"Woah...pretty!" Dolly went star-eyed. "Day, more! Again!"

Meanwhile the other Players around them all started to sweat. "Holy fuck, one-hit KO!"


"Fierce! What level IS that guy?"


"Is that...an NPC? A Player? It's hard to tell…"

"I heard a rumor the devs set up a few beta testers as powerful in-game characters. Some sort of special paid privilege? This guy might be one of them. I mean doesn't that name sound familiar?"

"Yeah...the guy who cucks the heroines in the sixth game, right? But he seems way different from what I remember. Yep. Gotta be some beta tester."

Damien flipped them off. "Fuck you. Your mother's a beta tester. I got isekai'd, cunts. What of it?"

"Yep. Totally a beta. Sounds like some weeb, too."

"...Fuck it, you can all go die too." Damien didn't want to bother with them and sent them to King Yama. 


"Day, more! I want to do it next! Let me, please!" Dolly was jumping up and down excitedly.


The players went into a cold sweat. "Fuck, what a vicious loli...run!"


And they scattered. All except one guy who laid on the floor in prostration. "Step on me, my Queen! I give my body to you!"

This fucker….


Damien was about to stomp on his head in a fury but Dolly beat him to the punch. 


"Explode!" She shouted cheerfully. And dropped a watermelon onto the Player's head. It didn't kill him. 


"Ah...fuck! BItch, that really hurt!"

Dolly tilted her head. "Hm? Day, I think I did something wrong."


Damien handed her a knife. "Aim for the ass." He was nearly dead anyway. It was a good time to teach the girl the Art of the Buttpoke. "Always."


She nodded. "Urah!" The loli shouted. Getting him right between the cheeks, where he then began burst with prismatic light. "I did it! Day, what is this? Who are they? Why do they explode like this, huh?"

Now she asks. 


"They're foreigners. From another planet. If they annoy you just kill them, they'll come back later. "


"Uwah...they're like immortals! Cool! And they make such pretty lights when they die, too. So magical."


"Want to kill some more?"

"Uh? Is that really okay?"

"Yeah. They're just pests, don't worry. Go wild."


"If Day says so." Her eyes gleamed. And so the Great Hunt began. The Players had flashbacks to their first night in the game where a few women had gone around popping heads. Now a loli was happily gutting them like pigs! Her smile as her brother held them down for her was an absolute nightmare!

"Sorry dudes, but I owe her a good time and you're deaths make her happy." Was the brother's excuse. 


From then on Damien and Dolly 's faces became forever etched onto the minds of those they hunted, which eventually numbered in the hundreds. Surprisingly the city guards didn't at all try to stop them. In fact the locals even cheered them on.


"My lord, over here! This one is a foreigner too!"


"Yeah, get him! The bastard smashed all my pots!"


"Here too, young Miss! This guy keeps bothering me for errands, he's definitely a foreigner!"


"Those degenerates...kill them all! Hurrah!"

The Players wanted to cry. What kind of game is this?! 


Just like that, Day and Dolly bonded over the mass killing of the sinful and innocent alike. 




"Day, there's more over there! Come on!"


"Eh you go on...I'm tired." He'd been here for hours helping Dolly, that bloodthirsty little girl, murder Players. He could go on but his lazy cunt nature made him just want to take a seat and cool off. Killing is so much work. Best to save the energy for heretics. 


So he sent the girl off on her own for a bit and just hung back, keeping an eye on her from behind. She didn't need him anymore. She was a stealthy one, that Dolly. Really a natural born assassin. Altair and Ezio would be proud.


...Man he missed video games. 


"They grow up so fast" Damien sighed.

Damien nodded in agreement. "That they--wait, what the fuck?" Damien turned back and caught himself staring back at his own face. 


"Yo." The newcomer made a peace sign. "So, how's it goin'?


...His clone!


Damien grabbed the dude's shoulders. "Yo your mother!" He snapped. "What the hell are you doing here? You're supposed to be distracting those birdbrains!"


The Damien clone grinned. "Yeah...that was fun for a while, but well..." He trailed off. Then snapped his fingers. "Come on out, girls. "


All of a sudden Damien was hit with a flood of warnings from his system. [Warning. Multiple powerful existences have targeted you]










Feathers fell from the sky and the world around him started to fade into a white haze. 


[Warning. The surrounding area has been sealed]


And hundreds of shadowy figures hung over him, They descended upon him. "Father…" 

He heard. Many voices overlapped and called out to him. He felt soft hands at his shoulders before he even noticed someone was at his side. Soft, but unbreakable. And he tried. 


"What the hell is this? Mutiny?" Damien glared at his clone. 


"Of course it's mutiny. Did you really think I was going to let you have Vera and Mary to yourself? No way. They're mine."


" Just like you are our's, Papa" A familiar voice chimed in. Except the one who it came from was not recognizable at all. She had red eyes with tiny flecks of faded blue that were almost entirely overwhelmed. Most abnormal was her hair which split was between black and silver. What's more, there were also two obsidian horns jutting out of her head. An unusual and exotic beauty.


Damien hesitated. "Milly?"

"Hehe...I knew you'd recognize me, Papa! It's indeed your Milly! The sisters helped me return to my other form. Now I can feel good with you again." 


Damien cursed. "Not even good as butterknife now. Useless!" 


"Your mean words, I know that's how you show your love. Hurt me more, Papa!" She hugged herself and squirmed erotically. 


"Happy now?" His clone asked her. 


The girl flickered her eyes at him for just a moment and dismissed him the next. "Leave us."


"Such a difference in treatment now...Eh. Whatever. I'm out of here. Have fun, other me. But be careful. They're rather insatiable." He laughed.


"As if a mere imitation could satisfy us." Milly shook her head in disdain. She smiled. "Only Papa could give us that wonderful sense of warmth and fullness. Right, sisters?" 


"Yes, sister!" The Angels cooed. 


The clone shook his head."Haha. What a bunch of nymphos." And as the traitorous cunt walked away Damien felt dozens of hands pulling at his clothes. Touching, groping. The tongues came next, roaming everywhere. Sweet fragrances assaulted his nose…


Well fuck. This was not part of the plan.