Kill And Maim


Damien hadn't ever been shot at before, but he found he didn't like it. Whether it actually hurt him or not was besides the point. Call it him being too sensitive, but random cunts firing bullets at him was pretty annoying even if it didn't cause damage.

Hence, he responded violently. Especially because they peppered him with more bullets as soon as he spoke.

Thus, he slaughtered. As the new round of bullets cut through the air and hurled towards him he once more plucked at them as easily as picking grapes. His hand was a blur.

Then as the firing finally stopped, he grinned. It was vile and malevolent. Meanwhile, the soldiers that'd shot at him couldn't understand what their eyes were seeing. They watched him in utter confusion, a cold dread slowly rising along the back of their necks as he opened his palm and, one by one, bullets dropped to the ground.

"HE'S A MARTIAL!" Someone roared.

Damien merely cracked his neck.

And moved.

The very next moment, before anyone could even blink, a man's head exploded. Damien stood next to the bloody mess as the soldier fell to his knees, dead.

All kinds of shouting rang.

Damien didn't quite know why, but he was annoyed. No, it was more than that. For some reason there was a ball of fire in his chest and he needed to let it out. When had he ever felt this way? He couldn't recall.

But unfortunately, these men happened to catch him at such a time. A time when all he wanted was to make someone hurt. So, fueled by such a desire, he ignored all else and just followed his instincts.

What did these instincts tell him? Obviously, to kill. Which he did with great aplumb. As soon as the third round of bullets came he was already pushing his one good arm through another man's chest and ripping out his heart. Another man came up from behind him in an attempt to catch him by surprise.

Damien caught him by the neck and seperated it from the rest of him. He'd let out a satisfying croak just before he'd died. So satisfying, in fact, that it even made Damien a little hard.

The thirty seconds after became a nightmare for the hired soldiers. The one-armed man in front of them came and went like a phantom, and each time he reappeared another of them met a miserable end.

One, two, three….a man died for every second that passed.



The men lost their wills and hurriedly ran. It was useless. Damien grabbed a corpse and used it to smash the retreating soldiers into meat paste.

"Where do you think you're going?" He asked, knowing they likely wouldn't understand and not caring if they did. "Today I'm going to beat you motherfuckers with another motherfucker."

And as he continued his rampage and was finishing off the last man, something tugged at his nose.

All this was watched by Lin Zhao and Brother Peng from up above. As their own men stood there frozen in fear, they, too, could only stare down in horror as this strange man littered the battlefield with blood.

"This power…" LIn Zhao felt a cold sweat run past his brow. "It's definitely not something a regular Martial could possess. It's Grandmaster level, at the very least."

"Grandmaster at that age…" Brother Peng gulped. Such a thing was absolutely frightening. Not many knew about the existence of the Martial Society, but for anyone who did the Grandmaster level was a lofty status.

"What do we do?" Brother Peng asked.

Lin Zhao was at a loss. "What can we do? We don't even know why this man is here. But at the very least he doesn't seem hostile to our forces. Well, for now. Let's observe and see what he does." It was the only thing that came to mind. There was no battling against a Grandmaster-level Martial. They could do nothing but wait for death if he saw them as an enemy. But right now he only appeared to be angry at the Yang family's forces.

This strange man...he was either a blessing or a disaster. Lin Zhao took a breath and came to a decision.

"Order your men to put down their weapons and retreat inside."

"Yessir." Peng replied. His men had no problem following the order. They'd seen how useless the weapons had been. But as they moved inside, Tei Peng noticed something. "What's he doing?"

Lin Zhao, who'd been watching intently to the death and destruction being wrought the entire time, was also confused.

The man had just finished killing the last of the Yang family's men when he stopped in place and turned his head. Left and right, he appeared to be sniffing at the air. As if he'd caught scent of something.

Then he took off towards the manor.

"He's going to attack!" Tei Peng felt his heart lurch.

Lin Zhao shook his head. "No...he's searching."

"Searching? For what?"

"I don't know. But something tells me we should find out." Lin Zhao place his saber against the table, leaving it behind. "Your gun, too."

And after that, they moved to follow the stranger in the hope that the lack of weapons meant he wouldn't immediately kill them.


"Fucking slut, shut up and quit your struggling. Just let this happen!"

A slap to the face accompanied the words, making Lin Feifei see stars. She spat at the man's face, then turned her eyes to the one behind him. "Tei Feng, you bastard!"

"Bitch!" The first man, once a trusted servant, let out a curse and sent another slap her way. Feifei tasted blood.

Tei Feng shook his head as he leaned against a tree. They weren't far from the manor, and in fact were just a few feet from the back gate. They were at the rendezvous point where they met up with a small group of Yang family elites. And accompanying them was none other than the young master of the Yangs himself, Yang Kai.

The handsome youth knelt down next to the sobbing Feifei and pat her burning cheeks. "Oh, look at you. Such defiance!" A laugh. "That won't last long tonight, trust me."

"You demon, Yang Kai! You'll never get away with this, my family--"

"--Are done for, you stupid woman." Tei Feng sighed. " No one will be coming to save you. The Lins are done. By this time tomorrow they'll be a thing of the past."

Hatred coursed through her veins like a cold fire at the sound of his voice. "Traitorous fiend, how dare you! After everything my family has done for you and your father, you betray us like this! Do you have no shame?"

A snort. "Shame? No, not when it comes to my own life. My father is loyal to you, but I refuse to die a needless death."

"See, woman? You can cry and scream all you want. It's useless."

Feifei's heart dropped. Her face showed her fear and it caused Yang Kai to chuckle even harder.

"This didn't have to happen, you know? You could have been my woman instead, but you just had to piss me off." He gestured with a hand and the men at her side started ripping at her clothing.

" Now you're going to be these mens' fuck pig." He smiled as several large men unbuckled their belts and clawed at her panties. "Serves your right, you stuck-up bitch. I'm going to enjoy watching you bre--"

Just then, he was interrupted.

"Oi, what the hell is going on here then?" A strong male voice called out.

And in the next instant, she saw him. A tall, muscled figure. Definitely not a boy. He was caked in reddish brown...something. Blood? She didn't dare to guess.

Everyone went stiff and looked towards the origin of the voice.

"Who the fuck are you?" Yang Kai snarled.

Damien raised a brow. Not at the fact that there were several guns now pointed right at his face, but at the audacity of this bitch. "Your father, cunt."

Yang Kai was stunned. His face slowly turned red as he roared, "Kll him!"

But Damien already anticipated the command. And so without further preamble tore off the arms of every bastard holding a gun. Blood sprayed everywhere. Many pairs of disbelieving eyes went wide in fear and pain.

Yang Kai couldn't even understand what had just happened. He only just now registered the splatter of blood against his face. He turned his head and saw Tei Ming bleeding out on the ground along with his other men.

The only ones who didn't get dismembered were the ones behind him still holding down Lin Feifei.

Pure, absolute terror overtook him.

Damien smelled piss. Ignoring that he grabbed one of the severed arms pointed to the men currently crying out in agony. "You lot stay down or I take the other arm." Then he addressed Fang Kai. "As for you, this is going up your ass." He smiled.

Next he looked over at the men holding the woman down to the ground, all frozen in fear and staring at him in utter horror. "You guys, you're getting your dicks chopped off."

Nodding in a self-satisfied manner, he set about to work.

Feifei couldn't help it.

She screamed.