To Be A Power In The Shadows

Dolly saw off her brother with teary eyes. The hollowness in her heart, it was too much! She didn't understand at all why he had to go, but she knew she wouldn't be able to sway him.

...Hm. For some reason though, the Day in front of her smelled different. She couldn't put her finger on it, but yeah.

She didn't think much of it, however, and wiped her tears with a handkerchief.

Right! Onto business!

Dolly breathed in and out, calming her heart. She steeled herself. And then she took charge.

"Vee. It's time." She called to the traitorous bitch that was her best friend. Though her betrayal had left Dolly scarred, she was still an intrinsic part of Dolly's plans.

"Are we really going through with this?" The girl asked.

"Of course we are. Time is short, Day'll be back soon enough. We have to conquer this world before then, that way we can plan the wedding and do lewd things as fast as possible. Hmph, I'll never let you be the first wife!"

The thought was simply unacceptable! She didn't consider Day's marriage to the tuna fish real. Legal or not.

"Anyway, let's head out. We have much to do. World conquest won't happen on it's own." She stated arrogantly.

Her father was staring at her. "Dolly...what are you talking about?"

"Hm? Whatever do you mean?" She asked, tilting her head.

"No, you were just talking about world--"

"I didn't say any such thing, though? Maybe you're starting to hear things in your old age." Dolly looked at him with pity.

Elias frowned. "I'm not that old. I was sure you said--"

"Pocket coke!" Dolly shouted. And pelted him with a white powder.

The man coughed, "What the heck is this? Sugar? Dolly, what the hell are you doing?"

Vera sighed. "Dolly, that's not--"

"I know! Run!" Dolly cried. She grabbed hold of Vera and rushed her to make their escape.

"Ah, really. These two idiot siblings…" The girl rubbed her temple and teleported them away.

Elias watched them disappear with a stunned white face. He whipped the powdered sugar away and turned to Mary. "What the hell was that all about?"

"She's becoming her mother's daughter, that's what." Her words sent a chill down his spine.


Dolly had planned her takeover meticulously. There was no easy way to rule the world from the shadows. That is, unless you had Day on your side.

"What's next?" Vera asked impatiently.

"Um...let's see...Allspice...brown sugar….three egg whites…"

"Yes, what else?"

"We already put in everything else." Dolly replied. A pause. "Well…"

"Well, what?"

"Uh, it says something else too, but I dont know what it could be."

"Give me the note." Vera set down the whisk and grabbed at the paper in the girl's hand. She scanned the contents quickly, the furrowed her brows. "What…? This doesn't make any sense. What the heck does the even mean, crime?" She frowned, ever so slightly. Then realization hit. "That little…"

Of course it's that. Why wouldn't it be? That damn addict, no wonder...

"Do you know what it means, Vee?"

"I wish I didn't. Hold on." She was going to have to search the entire house up and down. That bastard had hidey-holes everywhere. It took around a half hour of looking, but finally, she came back with a tiny pouch filled with a substance that shall not be named.

"Okay. We're good." Vera was more annoyed than anything. Taking over the world, fine. She didn't care. But the way they were doing it was so scummy. And where would they even get more of this stuff once it ran out? She already knew the answer and it made her eye twitch. Just looking at that guy made her feel pissed off. It was due to her mother, but the memories still affected Vera almost as much.

Ah, whatever. Let's just get this over with. There's worse ways to go about world conquest. Least this way she won't be killing anyone."


Their first stop was Lucy's castle. Dolly didn't remember his actual name.

"Psst. Hey, you." Dolly appeared behind the man's throne with a trench coat three sizes too big. It dragged on the floor and threatened to trip her were she to move even a step.

"Intruder!" His Royal Guard flew into action.

"Wait! Sheath thour blades!" The man commanded once he caught sight of her. "Dahlia, what are you doing here? How did you--?"

Dolly held a finger to his lips. "Shhh….here. Take this." She handed him a cookie.

Lucy stared at it blankly. "Uh…"

"Eat it."

"Sir, wait! It could be poisoned!" His entourage warned.

"Don't listen to them. I!" Dolly stepped on the man's foot and shoved a cookie down his throat when he opened his mouth to curse. He coughed, but the sweet treat had gone down regardless. His guard rushed her. "Vee, now!"

And with that, she was gone.


Just like that, for the next seven days Dolly and Vera had infiltrated every major power from the human continent to the demon continent. They snuck in like thieves in the night and forced the various rulers of the world to eat their baked goods.

Once that was done, Vera bit the bullet and visited Llyr. After heavy negotiations, he agreed to process his drugs and send them to their various bakeries across the world in exchange for Vera helping with his research.

Dolly, on her end, had long since exercised her family's wealth and influence to start the construction of numerous bakeries around the world. They weren't done quite done yet, but she sent a list of recipes and ingredients to prepare for their grand opening.

Once that was completed, it was time to check on the fruits of her labor.

"More. I need more." At her feet was a bald-headed man. He bore an ornate crown and he was built like a warrior, massive muscles hidden beneath a kingly attire of gold and silver.

Dolly watched him beg. His cold, clammy skin and shifty eyes...they were the signs of an addict.

She hid a smirk.

Dolly placed a hand over his shoulder and smiled gently as she fed him a brownie. "Hush, now, little one. Eat. There, there's a good boy. Shh, just eat." She cooed, a sinister laughter bubbling from the depths of her soul.

Any who dare stand in your path can only submit or die!

She thought with glee, her mother's words from the past bubbling into her head.

It was at that moment:

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